Finkelstein sneered in response to Carver and Lock's commentary, but slowly started to nod thoughtfully. "Perhaps... You're right, Jack... You [i]are[/i] the Pumpkin King. She clearly doesn't respect [i]me[/i] as she should, but you are, physically that is, more capable of enforcing your authority if she gets out of line." Carver returned the sneer with a bit of satisfaction. That was the closest she was ever going to get to an admission that her creator couldn't control her. Damn if he wasn't still going to [i]try[/i], desperately, at every possible juncture. But some part of him at least [i]knew[/i] that it wasn't going to happen. Not that she wasn't still angry and frustrated about his attitude and behavior toward her, but that tiny amount of gratification allowed her to finally settle down completely. She didn't look forward to whatever extra punishment Jack would inevitably give her, but a sleepover with Sally was better than going back to the lab, any day.