Sylvia was quiet as she listened to Dimos and her friends speak. As she spoke, she remembered hearing the horror stories regarding gangs back home. She honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they came back to make sure that he kept quiet, and what they might do if they learned Dimos told the four of them. When Shortfang made his suggestion of going after the gang, Sylvia shook her head and she answered, “I understand your feelings, Shortfang, and as much as I would love to kick their butts, this is still a situation where being the aggressors and striking first will work against us. Fighting that gang actively will only give the noble’s son and the corrupt guards an excuse to throw us in the dungeons, and we can’t help anyone from there,” She then added “But, I think there is something important that we can do,” She then looked to Dimos and told him, “No offense, Dimos, but honestly...I think your old gang friends will come to you anyways, just to make sure you stay quiet. I don’t think it would be wise of us to leave you alone. Therefore for now, until we can get you to Shor and his team, we will be your bodyguards, so to speak. That way, if they do come back, we can scare them off or knock them unconscious,” At the last word, she directed a glance to Shortfang, to make sure that he got the implied message to not kill the gang. She then added, “When Dimos is ready to go, and if Shor is still busy with politics, I think we should find Yorik in the sewers. Dimos would definitely be safe with him there, and we know he’s there for sure,”