Sabine flushed and breathed out a laugh at Ko'tanza's teasing. Though what Ko'tanza said afterwards caused Sabine to hold her breath. A wave came over her that forced the air out of her lungs and made her scrunch her eyes shut. Tzirret leaned in, concerned. "Is Sabine okay?" All Sabine could manage was to nod and carefully hand Miruza back to Ko'tanza. "Tzirret. Ko'tanza. I...I trust you. I must not tell you why but...should Meesei come to you harmed I want you to promise me she will not die..." her voice trailed off into a harsh tightness in her throat. Tears sprung out of the corners of her eyes. With appropriate care, Tzirret shuffled to beside Sabine and Ko'tanza and put a hand each on their shoulders. He glanced to Ko'tanza to affirm, before craning his head down to look up at Sabine. "We promise these two will do everything they can," he said slowly and confidently.