[hr][hr][center][h1][color=Purple]Waverley Watts - Feedback[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9009e9986045d8c064181a6ce81b8571/tumblr_psqd1zlT251y4marvo4_r2_250.gifv[/img][hr] [color=Purple][b]Location:[/b][/color] Hospital Gift Shop [color=Purple][b]Skills: [/b][/color]Radio Wave Interpretation[/center][hr][hr] For a moment, Waverley's eyes darted over to the teddy bear Colossus held, looking puny in his massive hand. Had she been in a calmer state, she would have given a vague affirmation concerning the gift, unsure of how to tell the sweet currently non-metal metal man that the gift probably wasn't the best option. But instead, she quickly pulled her eyes off the gift, staring instead straight at some random vase of flowers on a shelf in front of her. She tried to focus, but she could feel her insides tying into knots. Her mind, instead of filling with radio transmissions, only seemed to fill with all the things that could possibly go wrong. She was pulled out of her anxiety-driven pondering when she heard Cayden ask her a question. [color=purple]"Wireless is what we want,"[/color] she corrected, her voice quick and panicked in her explanation. [color=purple]"Wireless means radio waves, radio waves means I can actually do something with them."[/color] As she spoke, she continued to attempt mental jabs at the theoretical radio waves, to no avail. Then she felt a hand on her arm, and looked over to make eye contact with Cayden. She gave him a slight nod, took a few deep breaths, and closed her eyes. She could feel a bulk of her anxiety dissolve as she let her mind go blank, lightly pulling at the intangible waves around her. After a few moments, she felt as the static of her mind faded into the image of a hospital waiting room. Her lips stretched and parted, revealing a dorky grin that seemed to take up the majority of her lower face. [color=purple]"I'm in,"[/color] she croaked in her best (and yet still awful) guttural impression of a hacker out of a 90's movie. She flipped from camera to camera, until she eventually landed on one with three familiar figures standing outside an elevator. She strained her mind, attempting to blur together the images of their companions, but she only succeeded with one of them. It wasn't enough to wipe the smile off of her face, though she admitted to herself it probably would've just been a better idea to cut the cameras off completely. She stretched her mind further, managing to, for the most part, redirect the doctors on their floor away from them. There were a few stragglers, but for the most part they seemed to be in the clear. [color=purple]"I've got eyes on Team Cryotherapy,"[/color] she began. The name wasn't her best work, and it only really took into account Sapphire and James, as she didn't know what the scrawny guy's power was, but it was the best she could come up with. [color=purple]"I haven't cut them out of the cameras yet, but I can do that later. Once the distraction's rolling, I'll jam the phones,"[/color] she said, infinitely more confident than she'd been only moments prior.