Faolan's smile had slowly faded as he realized that Lucien was awake. The two met eyes and Faolan felt a tightness in his chest. He wanted to lean down and kiss Lucien, again and again, but now that he was sober he was back in control of such impulses. He couldn't and he wouldn't, and he wasn't sure he would be able to again. [color=a36209]"Mornin'."[/color] He said, gruffly, and lifted his arm from around the Frenchman's shoulders as he extricated himself from where he lay. Were his movements too fast, too rough? Would they betray his desires or conceal them? This he did not know, as he could not imagine what was going through Lucien's head. His head spun as he sat up from the bed and swung his legs over the edge, facing away from Lucien. He paused for a moment, leaning forward as his eyes and forehead throbbed with a headache. The light pained him and his stomach turned. The two of them needed breakfast, and quickly. He stood up from the bed, slowly so as not to dizzy himself, and retrieved his clothes from the floor. He felt his cheeks grow hot as he dressed, realizing that he had taken them off before getting into bed with Lucien. He kept his back turned to him, so as not to show the blush he knew he wore. [color=a36209]"I'll get us some food."[/color] He said quietly as he pulled his shirt over his head. [color=a36209]"Be best to eat before I go."[/color] He had to leave today, the full moon approached. Maybe the distance would give him some perspective, allow him to get a better handle on everything. Being this close to Lucien, he wasn't thinking clearly. He felt an aching in his chest as the realization sunk in that he would be without the Frenchman, but he did not give in to its allure. It was better this way.