[b][i]Brightwell, Illinois, February 2020[/i][/b] “Good, that’s one answer,” Gavin says to Zephyr, even as he noticed Dennis’ body language slump in presumed despair and resignation. He blinks, then says to the Undead, “Sorry. Got myself hopped up on my own power there for a minute - Not literally, of course, but metaphorically. And sorry too for the, umm… Suspicion. I do apologize for being too quick to dismiss you and ask for Haydrian.” [i]I just feel creeped out by zombies and the undead. Alexander wouldn’t be as much, though,[/i] He thought as he turned to Abigail and said, “All right, you can go - I won’t stop you.” But it was his hope that someone else might. As for Kai, Gavin didn’t know how to respond, as he did not have a copy of her personal information on paper or on his own phone and even if he did, she was less expendable than Abigail and thus can’t be easily let go of. So he decided to let others take care of that problem as well... For one second. The ball of silver fire on his other hand continued to float, but Gavin decided to shut it off and do another show of magical power, one harder to deny. Waving his right arm, he created a portal - Two portals, actually - the height and width of a normal person. Said portals led to a small log cabin with the tell-tale signs of an underground bunker underneath (and outside the log cabin, there was someone who fit the photo of Abigail’s uncle) and another gas station, one in the middle of the desert that Kai can recognize. “As I said, go, I won’t stop you,” Gavin’s tone was heated. This, even though it was clear that Abigail’s destination was more desirable than Kai’s. Gavin was guileless enough to believe it’d work, but it was clear he was developing some base cunning. Then at Mike’s entrance and subsequent words, Gavin decided to open a third portal at considerable expense to his reserves of magical energy, a portal that led to the outskirts of the city, “I am [i]not[/i] a Pagan, I believe in just one God! Go believe whatever you all believe, I am starting to not care anymore - I’ll take whoever is willing to save the world with me and you can all go!” Gavin knew Mike was lying, and also knew about Mike’s true identity. He was past caring. [@Haydrian Cindel][@Guardsman][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@duskshine749][@Bazmund][@silvermist1116][@Stitches]