[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191025/b775f0ba0483060c7cb2b54cafacaf7b.png[/img] [color=yellow]MENTIONS:[/color] 「N / A」[/Center] [hr] Though he tried to catch up, Donny found himself falling more behind: He had pushed his horse too much, too early: And that was clear as not only had Jules stayed ahead and Simon bolted for the lead; But some large man dashed straight past him with nothing but a tip of his hat. What the hell?! Where'd his speed come from? The way he was bursting ahead, Donny felt dream as they reached the finish line; Fourth wasn't the worst position, but his competition was clear. Three people tiered above him, and three people that needed to be kept out of the top rankings during the next stage. It wasn't until Donny actually reached the finish that he realized that woman, Jules, hadn't even placed top 3: In fact, that lady with the rein-levitating powers? She was ahead. How?! He fucking passed her earlier; Or did he? Were her powers beyond just levitating things? So many things were sketchy, especially that gunman placing first. He seemed pretty harmless despite shooting a guy in the middle of the road, but hell, he was clearly more competition than Donny was expecting. All together, this really sucked. So Donny actually placed fifth, and this made him slightly angrier. He irritably swung a fist at the air because of the results, but paused as they announced that 'J.ZEPPPOLI' had been placed 20 positions back as a penalty for interference. Seriously? He actually was in fourth now? This took a sudden turn for the awesome. Donny kept riding, hand waving out at those who were celebrating the race. Though most of them gathered around that gunman; Simon, huh? Number 1313... There had to be some lucky with getting duplicate numbers, yeah? Whatever, he couldn't be bothered. He needed to prepare, quickly, and set back out. He may have gotten fourth this time, but it wasn't going to happen again: He was going for number one, and he'd be watching out for Mr. Ten Gallon Stache and Plump Psychic Lady while doing it. For the moment, he was focused on finding that Jules woman soon. That throwing technique she managed to use; He was curious about it. And he wanted to know how to do it to help himself in the race. Sure, he threw shit at her, but he felt like with her scoring such a shitty position in the rankings of Stage 1, some desperation for a small man of genius might be in order. Slowly, Donny began scheming...