Oooh, this sounds so so interesting to me!! I love Forgotten Realms and D&D! I read a fair amount of the Drizzt books. I'm actually in a paid weekly Pathfinder game with 4 other players + our awesome GM. So I'm all for this RP and then some!! I lean more toward dwarves typically, but I'm also open to humans and elves. I love traditional D&D clerics. I have a random character idea that might be fun, like a snooty young Lawful Neutral elf Cleric that heals out of necessity to aid himself, and because it's his job/position, not necessarily out of the good of his heart. Ooh, I just realized you don't have cleric on class list! I would like to request Cleric be added to the mix plz! If not, no worries thought, plenty of other characters I can throw together. :D