[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191113/80723d0e197181a282238ba5d2ed8471.png[/img] And [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191113/7ff437d321b9fd72d8ccc17406572d45.png[/img] Featuring: None a y'all [/center] [hr] Annie might've had the biggest grin on her face she's ever had. As she gripped the reigns in barely contained excitement as she saw the finish line get closer and closer. She flicked a glance left and right, looking for any last minute trouble. The only thing she could see was a single moustached rider ahead of her. Was she really that far ahead? There's no way, was there? The line grew bigger and bigger and bigger, until... [b][i]"THE WINNER OF THE STAGE IS CLEAR!"[/i][/b] Annie's cries and cheers blended in with the rest of the crowd as she rushed through, her fists in the air. From what little she heard from the announcer, she had come in second. She was quite proud of herself, second place out of all these people? And as such a novice racer, too! The first place winner was someone named Simon. Maybe she'd try and find him? His big ol' moustache shouldn't be that hard to find among all these faces. Annie would sit on the sidelines, offering handshakes and high-fives for a few moments, before she would take Slow Ride to a nearby post next to a water trough, and take a walk with Neon Knight. [i][color=00aeef]"Whew! Well that was fun, eh, Neon? So uh... What now?"[/color][/i] [color=f26522][i]"Well, now we should rest while we can, before we head off to the next stage. It'll be in the Arizona Desert. You'll need lots of water if you're to survive that heat. Both you and Slow Ride. For now, perhaps you should interact with your fellow racers? Either that, or maybe get a drink at a tavern around here."[/i][/color] Annie gave a long stretch before letting her eyes wander around the "town" for something to occupy her time with. Perhaps a visit to the bar was in order? Either that or maybe see if she could get some sweets? If all else fails she could always see if Neon Knigh could draw any attention. If people could see him, that means they probably have "Stands" too, or at the very least some other sort of ability she'd need to watch out for. For now, she put one foot in front of the other, wandering aimlessly for the time being, until either something or someone catches her attention.