Lucien noticed Faolan's lack of eye contact almost immediately. In fact.. it seemed like he was avoiding looking at him completely, and there was something about it that made him a lot more anxious, but he really couldn't bring himself to argue with him. He supposed he was right.. considering their current throbbing headaches. [color=burlywood]"If you say so..."[/color] He said, attempting to hide his disappointment. The Irishman wasted no time in leaving after that, and the Frenchman finally brought himself to stand. He wanted to bathe and change into fresh clothing, but he decided he would just wait for Faolan to go to do that, and simply buttoned up his shirt once more to make himself more presentable. He couldn't help but worry about the composure Faolan was showing. Things were.. awkward, and he didn't like it. It had been a really long time since Lucien had felt it hard to talk to Faolan about something.. but at the same time.. what should he say? He knew he wanted to know how Faolan felt about it.. but it seemed to him just based off of the attitude he was showing that he most likely regretted it. It hurt to think that, and it made him conflicted about the whole thing. It was a little unfair of him.. to do this and then want to pretend it never happened without considering his feelings. He shook his head, but quickly realized what a mistake that was as the throbbing hit him harder. It was definitely going to be a long morning.