[center][h3] [/h3][/center][h3][hr][color=#657499]Branna Naves[/color][/h3][hr][sup][i]Lothian Empire: Alymere Fort || Midday[/i][/sup][indent] [/indent][table][row][/row][row][cell] As Mors busied himself with tearing pieces off his kill, Branna looked ahead to the two bandits charging towards her, a grin stretching across her features. Glancing back, she flashed her grin at the wyvernless rider, then patted Mors, hefting her spear. [color=#657499]“Axe.”[/color] Under her, Mors gave the corpse one last tear before lifting himself into the air, a broken limb dangling from his jaws. Swooping towards the brigand from a sharp angle, he roared, his trophy falling to reveal rows of blood-smeared teeth. On his back, Branna bared her teeth as well, her grin curling upwards as she angled her spear. Mors wanted the first strike this time—and just as well. The cute little horserider had landed an arrow on the bandit already, and he trailed a bit behind the spear wielder, but attacking from above gave Branna the choice to choose her target. In this case, she chose the weaker one—the one who'd make a quicker meal, and the one who already smelled of blood. And Mors, having just had a taste, was famished. [/cell][cell][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RC3pL2vV/branna-final-2.png[/img] [center]_________________________[/center] [color=#657499]Status: [/color]Fine [color=#657499]Class: [/color]Wyvern Flier [color=#657499]Exp: [/color]20/90 [color=#657499]Inventory:[/color] [list][*]Iron Spear (3/3) [*]Vulnerary (3/3)[/list][hider=Stats] [indent][color=#657499]END: [/color]D [color=#657499]STR: [/color]C [color=#657499]MAG: [/color]E [color=#657499]DEX: [/color]D [color=#657499]SPD: [/color]C [color=#657499]DEF: [/color]E [color=#657499]RES: [/color]E [color=#657499]LCK: [/color]D[/indent][/hider][hider=Skills] [list][*]Voracity [*]Fortune [/list][/hider][hider=Actions] Attacking the Brigand from above [/hider][/cell][/row][/table]