After the Mimic failed to crush you underneath its foot, you were able to smash right through his other knee cap, causing the creature to fall onto its arms. As it tried to get back up you give it a swift kick that made its leg twist in an unnatural fashion that seemed to hurt it as well. Thanks to your efforts Buddy was able to charge in as the Mimic struggled to stand, and cleaved its box body off the rest of its torso, bisecting the monster. Strangely enough as soon as the body hit the ground both ends of the Mimic simply vanished into dust, leaving behind a few small items. A couple of silver rings with gemstones, a pearl necklace, and a thin block of some silvery metal. Pylia and Dimos would meet back up with you having saved the lives of those wounded. Apparently three their men had been attacked by the Mimic as well and were in critical condition, but now they were stabilized. “That... I don’t think my old gang could’ve arranged anything like that. If anything they’d be the ones fighting that monster...” Pylia shrugged as she wiped her hands clean of the blood. “Mimics can often disguise themselves as mundane containers or other objects. Though they’re monsters they’re cunning too. I bet this one allowed itself to be brought into the city so it can eat the civilians. It was a good thing we got here when we did.” Meanwhile Shortfang collected the loot. “Shiny stuff, and little beads! Also brick.” The women who were hiding approached. It was two older women, around their late thirties to mid forties. “Oh thank you Heroes! I cannot believe a monster like that was able to get inside of here! I knew I should’ve told my husband to never have joined that expedition. But I’m glad he’s safe. Please allow us to repay your with something, it’s the least we can do.” [hider=Rolls and Info] Shortfang's (36/36) | Syfr (1/1) = 21 Mimic (25/67) = 10 Sylvia's (27/27) | Dinah (2/2) = 6 Pylia's (31/31) = 6 Buddy's (40/4) = 3 Buddy Urgrosh vs Mimic = [url=]22[/url]/[url=]17[/url] Urgrosh Damage = [url=]11[/url] [/hider]