SW PW Character: The Plant Bounty Hunter [hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] One to two paragraphs to several paragraphs depending on what flows best. I've found that in the long run, a workable post posted in a timely fashion is better than a perfect post two weeks too late. [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] I love collaborative posts. I do however like to get them done in a timely fashion (so as to avoid getting stuck). [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yes, and yes. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Intrigue, morally ambiguous situations, and generally anything clever. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Sexual violence, campy assassins, too much of the force, and bad writing. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Nah, life's a bitch and then you die. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Short-term, I'd like to throw my character into some interesting situations and expand on what it's like to be a badass plant. Long-term, I'd love to wax philosophical about what it means to do bad things for space credits and to explore a complex galaxy from a more grounded perspective. Ultimately, I'm pretty flexible and my chief focus is having fun with others in whatever RPs I am involved with (this is a collaborative medium after all). [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Ad] [b] Name: [/b] [b] Species: [/b] Sylphes [b] Homeworld: [/b] Sylvia IV [b] Age: [/b] 27 [b] Gender: [/b] Plant (Female) [b] Specialisation: [/b] RocknRolla (Bounty Hunter) [b] Current area of operation: [/b] [/hider] [hider=Peacekeepers Holonet Metadata Summary] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] has green skin Her hair is a cascade of iridescent flowers that grow and wilt with her mood. is tall for her people and reaches just past 1.8 meters, a little bit more on a particularly sunny day. [h3][sub]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts. [/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including subordinates.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of Bounty Hunter.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Known interests of the Bounty Hunter.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] [/hider] [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] [/hider]