[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CRteBS6.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/73U15hR.png?1[/img][/center] The four brothers stood on the roof of the closest climbable building they could find after emerging from the sewers. Raph was happy to see that it didn't have a roof deck. He didn't know what the hell people wanted a roof deck for, but annoyingly every building was putting one on. It made getting around the city unnoticed kind of hard. Freaking humans. The city smelled differently tonight. Raphael wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the way the wind was coming off the river, or maybe the humans had put their trash out on the wrong night in this part of the city. He wasn't sure. But he had an inkling it was something more than that. His senses had been dulled by adrenaline and endorphins flowing through his body at an increased rate. He had waited so long for this day, the day he'd get to take out all his anger and frustrations on people who deserved it. Raph knew such thoughts ran counter culture to what his father had taught them, and he did his best to stay centered on the moment. He knew he'd need to in order to keep his brothers safe. The last thing he needed was to lose another sibling on a night out in New York. He'd die before he let that happen again. [color=ed1c24]"So where do we head, fearless leader?"[/color] he slapped Leo on his shoulder. The elder gave Raph a narrow side-eye, and Raphael shrugged with a chuckle. Leo and him could butt heads at times, but it was usually in the heat of a fight. Raph wasn't dumb enough to think he could formulate a plan better than his brother. But in a fight? He was for sure the best in that category. [color=0054a6]"I figure we'll hit where Alopex saw the Hand the other night,"[/color] Leo laid out the plan. [color=0054a6]"They probably won't be there, but it's a start. And who knows, we might get lucky."[/color] [color=f26522]"I love gettin' lucky,"[/color] Mikey moved his brow up and down in a suggestive manner. [color=ed1c24]"You have no clue what that means,"[/color] Raph rubbed his temples with a thumb and forefinger. [color=f26522]"Yuh huh!"[/color] Mikey shot back before leaning over to Donni and whispering, [color=f26522]"What does it mean?"[/color] [color=92278f]"I'll tell you when you're older,"[/color] Donnie patted the smallest turtle on the head. [color=92278f]"Sounds like a solid plan, Leo. Lets go so we can stop these mystical demon worshiping ninjas. That way we can get home and get cracking on the murderous unicorns plaguing central park."[/color] [color=f26522]"Ha! Good one, Donnie,"[/color] Mikey chuckled. [color=f26522]"Unicorns."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Droll, Donnie. Droll,"[/color] Leo mumbled. [color=0054a6]"Remember, these guys are the real deal. Keep your heads, and don't do anything rash."[/color] Raphael noticed Leo was looking at him, [color=ed1c24]"It is pretty ironic that rash and Raph rhyme, huh?" Let's get the job done."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pEzUoR2.png?1[/img][/center] She pulled her jacket close against the cold and tried not to make too much eye contact with anyone she passed. Not only was she disobeying the will of the student newspaper, she was in a neighborhood small, red-headed college students rarely tread in. Usually she didn't have a problem strolling through dodgy places with friends, but going it alone was a different story. She needed to get in, and get out. April had gotten a tip from a friend of a friend whose father was on the police force that there were reports of shady, robed individuals meeting with mob-types in a warehouse in this area. It wasn't much to go on, but April needed all the help she could get, and maybe putting her neck on the line would end up reaping some major rewards. And hopefully wouldn't involve running from gun fire and katanas or something. A long, dark alleyway beckoned, and she sighed to herself, [color=f7976a]"Well, April, you're in it now."[/color] The ladder that her contact had told her about was right where it was supposed to be. She took a deep breath and climbed up. She found the small fire escape landing empty, and pushed her way through the metal, rusted door. It scraped against the grated flooring inside, sending a screeching echo reverbirating across the large, empty space inside. She winced, but knew there was no one inside. April readied her camera and began taking pictures. There were signs of the meeting the other night. A large table was setup in the center of the warehouse, eight seats around it. An ashtray at one of the seats still had the stub of a used cigar teetering on the edge. April cursed herself for not bringing a kit to do some finger prints. Naming names would really make a story sing. No one could have ignored her after that. Oh well, no need to worry about that now. At least she had proof they were meeting here. Now all she had to do was set up the small, battery powered camera she had brought to record any meetings that came after. April climbed back up towards the fire escape, placed the long-lasting camera in a corner no one would see it, and headed back outside, closing the door behind her.