[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191108/12b70c771e5a64f88dd40f74f4218bee.png[/img] [/center] Anton sat quietly in his seat observing the other students present for their orientation speech given by the Principal. There was a variety of students from all walks of life it seemed. Some were easily noticeable as children of some of the most famous heroes of earth. Others, however, seemed to be either first-generation hero’s looking to make a name for themselves. One similarity between the students was that not many seemed to be interested in most of what the principle was talking about. Most only seemed to perk up at the description of class instructors and the sports festival. After being dismissed from the assembly Antons quickly made his way to his dorm room luckily not having to talk to many people on the way. The dorm complex was quite impressive with just about everything a person could ever need and more. There seemed to be a few people already inside and relaxing in the common room. Giving them a small polite wave he moved on towards his room. Entering his room Anton was surprised to find it was large by his standards easily allowing two people to live in. looking to the beds he through his bag on the bottom bunk it would be best for everyone that he wasn’t on the top bunk. As he lowered himself onto the bed he let out a heavy exhausted breath. [color=ed1c24]“Well guess I should get this over with and meet some new people.”[/color] He said in a somewhat defeated voice. Reaching for the door he thought [color=ed1c24]“I hope they are nice people.”[/color] Before exiting his dorm and heading to the common room.