Clearly Cora was going to look at this in the most positive manner she could, but it was obvious Illyana disagreed with her, and she did to. Whatever it was that Geralt wanted, that was definitely not it, Ivory was sure of it. She supposed whatever time they would be forced to spend together would be a good opportunity to get more of a read on him after all. Deciding it was best they dropped this conversation before Geralt returned, Ivory reached out and took a card from Aurel, dropping the set as she had formed a pair. [color=darkgray]"Well, enough about that, shall we continue playing?"[/color] Ivory asked. [color=#a7d3d4]"Ah.. yes.. we should."[/color] Aurel spoke up, glad to change the subject. He glanced around the table, reluctant to take from Akane considering her earlier reaction to Geralt, and decided to take from Cora instead, managing a pair. -- Lucien raised an eyebrow. [color=burlywood]"Well, I'm glad you are not worried, but I do appreciate you letting me know of your intentions."[/color] He was definitely not the type of man who would just sit by and let Ivory push him around, and it was the same for the dhampir as well. He'd simply have to see how it went. [color=burlywood]"I am not surprised to hear you sound so confident. One of your many traits I'm sure."[/color] He said a little amusingly, before contemplating his question. For a moment he considered keeping his performance to himself, but then he decided there was no point. He didn't want to go out of his way to make the man any more curious about him by not answering his question. There was no need for mysteries on his end. He chuckled. [color=burlywood]"Well it's not really a secret, so I don't mind telling you. Cora and I open the show. Last time we were here I accompanied her singing with my violin, but this time I shall be playing the piano, for a bit of variety."[/color] He said. Lucien had been careful in how he planned the order of the show. Since they had lost their acrobats a lot of their acts were more entertainment and music focused, which were fine for now. Cora's voice was beautiful, and it was a good way to put the crowd at ease. He actually quite enjoyed accompanying her singing as well. Prior to her joining the circus he hadn't really found a need to perform himself. He was fine with throwing more of the attention toward his performers, but considering their current situation he did what he could, and it ended up working out. Plus, it gave him a reason to play his instruments aside from the times he used them as... stress relief.