Jack carefully lifted Carver's cage. He let her sulk as he carried her from the shop. Sally set aside her mending. She could finish it in the morning. Right now, her little sister needed her more. They walked quietly back to Jack's tower. Sally went ahead to get the door for Jack and Carver, then went to the kitchen to start dinner. Jack brought Carver up to the tower. Zero had been resting in his bed, and perked up when he heard footsteps. Jack found a cozy little nook to set Carver down. Zero, sensing her distress, came over to nuzzle her with his nose and lick the side of her pumpkin head. "Let me know if you need anything," Jack said, gently. He gave Zero a quick scratch behind the ears, but then turned to give Carver some space. After that rant, and the way she slumped in his arms when he carried her, he was certain she needed some space and time alone.