[center][h3][b]The Halcyon Continuance[/b][/h3][/center] [hider=Government] The Continuance is, at least ostensibly, a representative democracy. Of course, by now that ruse has been all but completely exposed. It is true that at one point in the distant past the Continuance functioned much like the democracies of old earth, but time has seen those traditions and institutions eroded. Centuries ago wealthiest members of society, almost exclusively members of corporate dynasties, were able to leverage their influence and establish a legal system of peerage in the Continuance, and ever since the nations government has seen its power diminish. Today the Continuance’s Parliament is entirely made up of members of the Peerage, as commoners are forbidden from running for office. As such, the legislative body of the nation acts as little more than a political arena for the elite and a rubber stamp factory when an issue affecting the whole peerage arises. Members of an enfranchised class may vote for any noble in the nation they please, but more often than not the companies those nobles control compel their employees votes, a practice that while deeply and unequivocally undemocratic is entirely legal and even encouraged.[/hider] [hider=Demographics] [b]61% Human:[/b] Halcyon’s Human population is largely descended from the passengers of the Arc [i]Vasco da Gama[/i]. One of many Arcs financed by the European Union and its private partners. They are, as a whole, about what one could expect. Some have been subject to genetic or cybernetic alteration, others are no different from their ancient ancestors, and all are no more or less than what they are. Human. [b]23% [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/448229937170612224/642651115485265921/jakub-javora-raven-girl.png]Ataraxin:[/url][/b] Of all the tragedies to play out in the Eden luster, perhaps there is none greater than that of the Ataraxian species. A people who have lost their culture, history, their very being, the Ataraxians exist today as little more than the favoured vassals of their Human masters. Casualties of a migration they could not have predicted. Of course, it was not always so. Centuries ago, on the world known today as Ataraxia, there were a proud, if young, people. The ancestors of today’s Ataraxian’s, native sons and daughters of a planet whose true name is now long forgotten. They were a unique and alien people in the midst of a prosperous iron age, rapidly spreading out across the surface of their world and beginning the inexorable conquest of nature that all sapient beings embark upon. They were every bit the captains of their own destiny. They fought, they loved, but they did all this themselves. Not one of them could have expected that to change, but change it did. When the Halcyon Continuance sent a Gate to their world, two centuries before it arrived, they hadn’t even discovered the secrets of Iron. How could they have even begun to suspect that their children's children would live to see all their accomplishments turn to dust? For that is what happened. As soon as that first connection was made all was lost. Halcyon sent diplomats to every kingdom and tribe on Ataraxia, but they were not sent to secure peace. They were sent to secure surrender. Few complied, but they didn’t need compliance. Merely an excuse. Forty eight hours after the first human stepped onto Ataraxia half a million Ataraxian’s were dead and the rest second class citizens of an alien power. Though, perhaps that is too generous a description. Humans flooded onto Ataraxia until its native people were a minority on their own planet, and that was only the beginning. Soon it became illegal for Ataraxian’s to own property, illegal for Ataraxian’s to work in administrative positions, and it wasn’t like they had ever been permitted to vote. For over a century the Ataraxian species suffered under the Human boot, and then came the offer. The Halcyon Continuance had been effectively overthrown by the corporate dynasties it had elevated to nobility, and one of those dynasties had a plan for the Ataraxian species. Ricci Biotechnical developed a genetic treatment that could, if taken for a few generations, alter the Ataraxian people to look, think, and behave more like their Human masters. It was, in effect, genocide in a bottle. Of course, that mattered little when committing to the treatment guaranteed an Ataraxian full rights for their children, so long as they too stayed on it. The price was high, in the beginning, but soon Ricci Biotechnical was able to sell the treatment for pennies. After all, they had just recently been awarded nearly a quarter of Ataraxia as their fief. They had no reason [i]not[/i] to ‘improve’ its populace. At least, no reason its noble board controllers could see. Centuries later and now every living Ataraxian looks close to Human, acts close to Human, and speaks exactly like a Human would. Interbreeding is still impossible, with many of the changes to Ataraxian physiology being more cosmetic than functional, but by and large the modern Ataraxian is little different than a Human. While the Continuance still forbids Aliens from holding noble titles there are few Ataraxian’s that don’t at least hold the status of a Commoner, a class with all the rights of a citizen and the ability to settle on Halcyon itself. They are often seen in noble houses as servants or soldiers. [b]6% Putt:[/b] For centuries Putts, like most aliens, avoided Halcyon as much as was possible. This was partly due the anti-alien atmosphere within the nation, and partly due to the starkly humid nature of most Continuance planets. However, when Halcyon amended its laws, making citizenship and equal rights something that could be bought, wealthy Putts seized the opportunity. If there was money to be made in the opening of an entire Core worlds economy to alien investment and migration then Putts were there to make it. The annexation of Parousia, an arid world, two hundred years ago only made Halcyon more attractive to a species that had already found homes and opportunities there. [b]4% Dakku:[/b] Over the centuries many Dakku have found their way to Halcyon space. (Waiting for more Dakku Info) [b]2% Jakai:[/b] (Waiting for mote Jakai Info) [b]2% Simmie:[/b] Raygon’s Simmies have found there way to Halcyon in the centuries since their creation some two centuries ago. While the vast majority remain on Raygon, some of the wealthier or more connected examples of the species have found the Continuance to be a most hospitable home. Valued for their dexterity and skill Simmies generally work in the luxury goods industry. Crafting some of the finest bespoke jewelry and clothing Halcyon’s Simmie population is notable for being the few alien communities to find not only a foothold, but genuine acceptance in the nation. [b]1% Misle:[/b] With every rule, there is an exception. When considering Halcyon’s infamously hostile stance towards aliens it is the Misle that are the exception. Perhaps it is simply due to their appearance, or maybe the myths that surround why they look like they do, but by and large the Misle have been welcomed as equals by the Continuance. There are small communities of these peculiar aliens on near every world in the Halcyon Continuance. [b]1% Other (Petalosi, Drazuun, Qurok, etc.) [/b] The Continuance plays host to a number of other species. Petalosi can be found in the nation's universities and labs, Qurok’s have been seen acting as mercenaries in the employ of the Nobility, and the list goes on. For all it can unwelcoming to aliens, if an individual has the money or skills Halcyon will make an exception. [/hider] [hider=Culture and Society] Halcyon is, above all else, a nation of hierarchies. It’s society and culture revolves around who you are, what you have, and how you use it. An individual's class not only governs their rights and the laws that apply to them, but also how they are expected to act in the presence of their equals, superiors, or inferiors. The influence of class on Halcyon is such that wearing the wrong clothes for your social group can be a grievous offence, or worse yet, a legitimate crime. So it goes without saying that to understand Halcyon one must first understand the nations legally enforced social strata. There are four legally enshrined classes within the Halcyon Continuance, of which only two are afforded the rights of Citizenship. The nobility and the common classes are considered to be citizens of Halcyon and are thereby entitled to a number of legal rights their non-citizen counterparts lack. Notably, only citizens may vote, only citizens may own property, and only citizens are entitled to legal counsel. Those without the distinction of citizen are almost invariably the poorest members of society, especially considering that membership in the common class has been obtainable via purchase for close to two hundred years. That said, the common class is the highest one that an individual can buy their way into. Halcyon’s peerage is, by and large, fairly similar in membership to what it was when it was first declared centuries ago. That isn’t to say that there aren’t more nobles alive today than there were then, but rather that there are only a handful of new noble families. To ascend to the rank of nobility is a difficult thing and can generally only be accomplished by marriage into an existing family, or massive and unprecedented success and popularity. A new noble family may only be declared by a two thirds majority vote among the heads of all exist noble families, and thus even some of Halcyon’s most successful commoner businessmen lack the distinction. However, for all the difficulty in attaining it membership in Halcyon’s peerage is beyond rewarding. A noble is largely exempt from all conventional criminal punishment, being given the option to pay nominal fines rather than suffer any real consequence, and that is only the beginning. Halcyon’s nobility exists apart from all but the richest and most influential in the Eden Cluster. One of the honours which has led to the dominance of the noble class is their sole right to conduct international commerce. While corporations may be run and owned by commoners, only the nobility may operate private entities beyond Halcyon’s borders. Thus, even the most successful commoners are forced to rely on their betters forbearance and sponsorship if they wish to access the vast markets of the Eden Cluster. The privilege of the nobility extends to almost anything one can imagine. Failing to yield your place in line to a member of the nobility is a legitimate crime, failing to pay proper respect to a member of the nobility is a legitimate crime, and that barely even touches upon the extent of a nobles rights. In truth the quagmire of laws surrounding class interaction means that a noble has, at almost all times, the legal right to imprison or even murder anyone of a lower class. Abuse of this has, historically, been met with harsh punishment within the family, but never justice. In Halcyon the nobility do not merely make the law, they are the law. However, they are still few. The other citizen class, that of the commoners, is far larger. While they don’t possess anything close to the rights of the nobility most commoners live a rather privileged life. Albeit, one that must be bought into at birth or in life. Educated professionals entitled to subsidized education, free healthcare, and legal counsel Halcyon’s commoners are among the richest civilians in the cluster. Part of this stems from their right to own property, which provides nearly every commoner family a source of income in the form of rent from non-citizens. Indeed, Halcyon’s commoners may be at the whim of the nobility, but few nobles walk the streets in broad daylight exercising their more questionable rights. In truth, it is the common class that represents Halcyon’s greatest collection of tyrants. Landlords almost to a man commoners not only dictate how the non-citizen classes below them live, but they also hold a great deal of power over their lessers in personal life. Members of non-citizen classes must pay respect to the common class in much the same way the common class pays respect to the nobility. For example, it is considered a legal offence for a non-citizen to besmirch or slander a citizen. It is considered a legal offense for a non-citizen to enter an establishment not specifically designated for their use. It is even considered a legal offence for a non-citizen to die in the employ of one of their betters, the punishment being a fine levied on their surviving family. To lack citizenship in Halcyon is to lose, and to continue losing. Two classes fall into this category, the peons and the dregs. By definition all Humans, Ataraxians, and Misle without commoner status in Halcyon are Peons, able to purchase entry into the common class at birth or in life but by and large far too poor to do so. Having to pay for education, healthcare, legal counsel, and renters by definition Peon’s are almost always in debt from the day they’re born. Few actually live on Halcyon, being largely relegated to living on the Continuance’s industrial and agricultural Periphery worlds. Of course, for however difficult it is to rise from the status of peon,dregs have it worse. The lowest class in Halcyon dregs are sufficiently ‘inhuman’ aliens that have either been born in Halcyon or have migrated there and failed to buy their way into a higher class. Dregs suffer all the inhumanities peons do, but they lack even basic rights. Notably dregs are barred from educational institutions, subject to exploitation rates for healthcare, and presumed guilty until proven innocent in trial. None wish to end up as a member of this class, and few generally do. However aliens whose parents have been unable, or unwilling, to buy then membership in the common or peon classes end up in this most wretched class. [/hider] [hider=History] About the de Gama When the Arc [i]Vasco da Gama[/i] landed on Halcyon it, unlike some of its fellows, encountered nothing more than a world rich in flora and fauna. Not one pair of alien eyes watched the enormous vessel break through the world's atmosphere, nor did any curious native encounter the Arc’s occupants as they swarmed out and built a city around their ship. The republic Rise of the elites Establishment of the peerage [/hider] [hider=Systems and Planets][/hider] [hider=Economy][/hider] [hider=Military][/hider] [hider=Characters][/hider] A WIP. Should be done tomorrow or the day after, but I thought to post some stuff tonight. Been too long.