Cedric handed his phone to Sonia after introductions and she upgraded it to the Rotom phone that Marlon had mentioned earlier. He was amazed by the combination of technology and Pokemon. He started to play with his new device on the way to the Professors lab, until he notice Marilyn drop behind the group to talk to him. Cedric wasn’t aware of Marlon’s Magnezone issue from before. “I didn’t realise that.” He looked at Luna who seemed to be enjoying the company of other Pokemon. “Luna was my first Pokemon, we’ve known each other our whole lives...literally. I was born on the same day Lunas egg hatched. I could never imagine us being apart. Having said that Marlon must have a reason, I’m sure he doesn’t want to give Magnezone up for nothing.” He replied quietly. “I take it Glaceon was your first Pokemon too? Your bond seems really strong. Your auras are very synchronised.” He asked her