The young man looks around his house until he hears someone scream " Landon don't come in! " . The young man know known as Landon pulls out a filleing knife he keeps on him and runs into the cabin to search for his grandfather. Looking through he finds a trail of blood and sees two wolves attacking his grandfather who's trying to keep them away with his cane. Quentin rolls his eyes ' oh whatever ' [b]see this is why I picked you you can get sarcasm [/b] ' is that the only reason?' [b]among others now reach into the duat I have a gift for you.[/b] ' ummm how do I do that?' Set sighs [b]I forgot you know nothing well ok reach to your side and imagine youre reaching into something [/b] Quinn does as he's told and imagines he's reaching into his pocket once he does he pulls out a cane. Travis looks up once he could see again his eye still hurting from the blinding light. As he looks up he sees a blindfolded woman carrying a sword and scales " umm who are you!? " he asks scrambling to his feet. The woman looks at Travis and shakes her head scolding " I am your mother and your behavior has gotten out of hand "