[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PfdC0jv.jpg[/img][/center] --- [i]You wake up after a long restful sleep, you don't remember when or how you fell asleep, only that it was -definitely- not where you awoke, looking at the ground you find it damp and covered in debris. You try to move but find your body does not respond; it is bound to the place you stand in a formation with several people flanking either side of you. In front of you is a grand stage, there is also a banner strung precariously along the front which reads 'Goodtime Gardens.' On the stage is a plush white living chair, seemingly out of place in the grimy debris-ridden Goodtime Gardens. Slouching lazily in the chair is a girl, no older than eighteen, whose long slightly curled hair is placed perfectly over her shoulders. A simple and long white dress flows out from beneath it going to her ankles; her feet are bare. She crosses her legs and yawns, seemingly bored with the proceedings thus far. The day drags on and several people of various races and cultures awaken to your right and left and find themselves in the same predicament as you. Once all of the captives have opened their eyes, the girl stands to her feet and coughs to gain the attention of the crowd.[/i] [b]"Welcome to you all! Welcome! Now... you may be wondering where exactly you are... well, that's simple, you're in an amusement park... a park... for -my- amusement."[/b] [i]She lets out a cute and very girly giggle, then with a more serious face she holds out one finger and begins again,[/i][b] "As of today you are all players in my little game. I've brought you here for one reason... and that reason is..."[/b] [i]The girl brings her finger to her lip and looks down, searching for the words to use then quickly snaps back to a serious pose,[/i][b] "I forgot... but! You will fight each other to the death for my amusement! I am Melpomene, you can call me... uhm..."[/b] [i]Melpomene breaks her serious pose to pace around the stage thinking up a name for herself before standing straight on the edge of the stage and announcing,[/i] [b]"Tragedy! That's a good name... You can call me Tragedy! This world I have created for you was once called Six Flags: New Orleans for now we will call it... Hellas! This world has only two rules! You may not leave Hellas and you may not claim your own life! Kill or be killed!"[/b] [i]Tragedy smiles very cutely, closing her eyes and lifting her brow as she tilts her head slightly to the side. She regains her composure and begins again,[/i][b] "Before the game begins I will meet with you all one-by-one and determine how you will play, I will explain more when that time comes, but for now... enjoy the few minutes of peace you can, the fun begins soon!"[/b] --- Okay, so basically what's going down is this: the idea is to have a battle royale-esque situation under the watchful eye of Tragedy. There are a few laws that govern the world at the beginning of the game. 1) Sleep is unnecessary, not to say that your characters won't tire but rather they can regain their strength by simply resting, it makes for a better show if both contestants in a conflict are awake. 2) Food and water are unnecessary, hunger and thirst are nonexistent. As the game progresses, or doesn't progress, these elements may be changed at opportune times according to Tragedy. 3) The barrier is one-sided, as in people can stumble into the barrier but can not go out again, this is mainly a feature for late entries to get into the game. As characters stumble into Hellas they'll be taken to Goodtime Gardens and given the same run through as the others then thrust into the game. 4) Please try to keep fights to the marked parts on the map, saying your character is at location 33 is much easier than saying 'just left is the big thing that looks like it'd be fun to ride.' 5) In the beginning you ate given four things, a melee weapon of choice, a non-automatic weapon of choice, respective ammunition, and a map of the park. In addition you can choose from one of three attributes to define how you will fight through the game I will write that later. Ammo will be awarded for kills, as will upgrades for your Tragedy-given powers