While Magnolia explained how all pokemon can dynamax and only some can gigantamax, Marlon wasn't really paying attention as he had already read that information up front. He used this time however to say his goodbyes to Magnezone. It was an emotional farewell and eventhough they both stood behind the decision, it also saddened them deeply. "Make me proud, buddy. I know for sure you will defend our honor." While Magnezone got transfered back to Kanto using a device in Magnolia's lab, Marlon tried to get himself together. Not only did he just meet these people, Marilyn in particular seemed to be someone he could impress. This was no time to show weakness. "So, is there any pokemon without a trainer that can accompany me then?" he asked to break the awkward silence. Sonia frowned. "You know, it is okay if you.." "I was thinking something regional." Marlon quickly interrupted her. Magnolia cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Actually, I might have one for you. It's not exactly the most easy-going pokemon but as far as I can tell, you are quite the experienced trainer so you should be fine. Sonia, dear, can you reach for that pokeball over there and give it to Marlon please?" Sonia frowned as she disliked how Marlon had interrupted her while she only wanted to comfort him. She could swear she could notice Marilyn secretly enjoy it but blew it off as her imagination. She reached for the pokeball and gave it to Marlon. Marlon let out his new companion to greet him. A Galarian version of Zigzagoon popped out and ran straight into Marlon, knocking him over. He then kept giving Marlon slight headbumps and soft bites, as if he wanted to pick a fight. "Prof wasn't kidding when she said you weren't exactly easy-going. I bet you need some time to get used to me. We will make it work." As he withdrew Zigzagoon back to his pokeball, Marlon already missed Magnezone. Things would not be the same, that's for sure. He looked over at Cedric and Marilyn and said: "Shall we get going then? Or did anyone want a Scorbunny?"