Jono bares her teeth when one of the members tries to force himself on a female player. “I said [i]don’t touch them[/i]!” She throws a knife and it impales the man’s wrist and he lets go of the player. “I don’t care what your verdict was, we’re not fighting here.” She scans the group and scoffs. “Don’t tell me that’s your [i]army[/i]. I expected something [i]more[/i], even from a band of scoundrels.” “Your a thief just like us!” a member protests. Jono rolls her eyes. “A [i]real[/i] thief doesn’t need backup from anyone, I don’t care what the mission is. Whatever. I’m done talking to you, we’re moving or we’re not fighting.” The group huffs and follows Jono. She glances at Jace. “You stay here and make sure none of these bastards try to stay behind and attack the townspeople, you hear me? If [i]one[/i] of them is hurt on [i]your[/i] watch, I will hunt you down and I won’t pull back. Get me?”