Alrighty, posting Holly here again from last time. Then gonna work on the new chick. [hider=Holly Farstel] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][h1][i]Holly Farstel[/i][/h1][/center][center][h2]15 | 5'3 | Gamma Two[/h2][/center] [center][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/center] Pause: Holly has the ability to overdrive her mind, boosting her reactions to the point where the world is almost stopped for her. A second for the world would be an hour for her, for example. It allows Holly to make a new, fully thought through course of action in a position where she has more information or she needs to quickly figure out a way to get out of a sticky situation. Doing this also boosts her thought processes to match, making her slightly smarter in this time. Limited Probability Advisement and Computation: Holly can look at a course of action and calculate her probability of managing to commit to and complete that action, but cannot calculate the effectiveness of that action. A harsh but accurate example is that she can calculate how much of a chance she has to break someone’s arm, but cannot calculate if breaking the arm would put him out of the fight or if he would just keep swinging. For the effectiveness, she has to just use her own head to figure out how effective something will be. [center][b]Skills:[/b][/center] Escape Artist; Holly will always have a plan of escape, even in situations where everything is fine and dandy. Backing out of an awkward conversation and picking her way out of cuffs are both the same to her; she needs an out, whether that is claiming she needs to go to the bathroom and then slipping away or working out a route of escape for when the opportunity arises. Intelligence: Holly knows when it’s time to break or if she can stay just a little longer, and has the common sense to suspect what may be around the corner without having to peek first. She doesn’t need her ability of probability advisement to know when something is a stupid idea. Street rat: Even in places she hasn’t been before, Holly knows what a good place is to hide and a bad place. She knows the places where the cops roam little and the places that the cops keep on lockdown. She knows the druggies, she’s familiar with the gangs, and she has her badman contacts, couple human, few para. She’s street-smart. [center][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/center] Criminal: Though not at the status where every cop would recognise her, a cop running a check on her would probably not find an innocent girl. Because of this, Holly avoids going to the police for any reason, and tries to keep somewhat of a berth between herself and them if she sees one in the street. Caught in a Daze: Holly can sometimes end up stuck in a daze if she is thinking too much whilst using her powers. The probability of many actions can confuse and distract her until she snaps out of it. Someone smart can stick her in a bit of a loop if she falls for it. [center][b]Brief History:[/b][/center] Nothing was very good in the early points of Holly’s life. She was what many would call born into the life of crime, under the parenting of a father and mother who mugged, stole and robbed for their lives. Her parents becoming criminals to survive was their choice, after refusing to go to university, to college, to schooling. Holly’s was not her choice - it was how she was raised. She knew that being a criminal was bad, was [i]evil[/i], but after she started committing crimes she found herself in a hole that she couldn’t dig herself out of - but didn’t necessarily [i]want[/i] to get herself out of. What kept her onboard for slipping into homes was the fact that she could come out with phones and money, and she would get away with it. Sure, she may have been noticed once or twice on CCTV, and may have been hunted by the police (as well as competitors in the criminal business) a few times, but that was a part of the risk to her, a part of her lifestyle. There wasn’t a way out. Holly found herself orphaned at the age of nine and placed in an orphanage after her parents were killed in a robbery gone wrong; the owner had been home, and he was not happy about the unexpected intrusion. It was often forgotten that she even lived in the orphanage by those caring for the children as she would spend long days and nights outside. As she grew up, the times that she spent away from the orphanage grew longer, until she left for good, preferring the streets to the stooges who claimed they were [i]good[/i] at taking care of children. From there, Holly began her criminal activities again - by thirteen, she was partaking in small crimes, such as shoplifting to keep herself alive and afloat, selling stolen bits and pieces from electronic shops to gangs to give herself a little money. She was barely touched by the gangs not because she was unique or of high stature with them, but because she was a reliable source. It was at the age of fifteen that the top of the Tower exploded, and the already tactful Holly was given a gift to help her in her criminal ventures. Ever since the explosion, Holly found herself more calculative about situations she placed herself in, putting more planning into her moves. Finding an advantage came with a scare for her, however; she found that she could pause whilst on the run from the police. She had wondered if she had been caught for she could not move, however she realised that nothing else was moving, either. It took her some time to figure out that she was moving, just at an extremely slow pace, and even longer to figure out how to make everything move normally again. Once she had escaped and time had passed where she was not on the run, she practised controlling the power by watching birds and people, and then triggering a Pause so that she could see everyone and herself slow down. With her new abilities unlocked, she used them to further her criminal activities, and used them to her own advantage, not anyone else’s. [hider=Sample Post] “You just sit back, alright kiddo? There ain’t nothing Ingrid don’t like more than someone interrupting a meeting, so don’t be kickin’ shit around, yeah?” The girl took a moment to process what her friend was actually saying, but she nodded her head in the meanwhile. Holly was always amused by Alessandro’s wording, which she felt was good as if she wasn’t it would be quite hard to talk to him every time she paid a visit, or rather, he paid her [i]for[/i] a visit to hand over whatever she had nabbed for him. As it was, he was a friend to her, and helped keep her up and afloat when she needed it. “Holly, you gotta tell me you understand, yeah? I don’t want the boss kickin’ my ass.” “I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” Holly replies, holding her hands up in surrender for a moment. She wasn’t too happy that she wasn’t getting paid immediately, but Alessandro needed to get the cash from his boss to pay her this time, and his boss was going to a meeting with a dealer who operated in the gang’s area and needed to pay the racket fee. Once Holly got the cash, she was going to buy a few candy bars and then screw around in a park somewhere. Holly and Alessandro strolled down the sidewalk together, making their way to what Alessandro claimed was the meeting place. Holly knew these streets well, and made it a mental game to try and guess which alleyway that Alessandro’s boss had picked to meet in. It always interested her in what the casual citizen would think if just off the streets a whole different world took its place in the darkness of the space between streets. “Deputy Fatboy is out of his cage again,” Alessandro commented, nodding his head across the street. Holly couldn’t help but giggle as she looked over to the opposite side of the street. The deputy Alessandro was speaking about had all sorts of different names, all of which began with the word [i]fat[/i], but everyone knew who was being spoken about whenever he was brought up. Alessandro had told her that there was a betting pool within the gang on whether Deputy Fatboy was [i]actually[/i] a deputy or just some security guard from a small office somewhere that loafed over to the donut shop every day. Holly, though an established criminal, was still learning about some stuff such as criminal [i]culture[/i]. When Deputy Fatboy was around, there was sort of an unspoken rule that nobody does wrong, that they let the man take his donuts and go on his way. He was a [i]treasure of the area[/i], some had said. With Fatboy bellowing through the door about a lack of sugar-coated donuts, Holly was not one to disagree. “We’re here,” Alessandro said suddenly, and turned into an alleyway. Holly followed, immediately spotting the bulky man that stood within. She recognised him, having met the man a few times before, but she always felt a little [i]unsafe[/i] around him. He creeped her out, but so far they only had a working relationship, with most activities conducted through Alessandro - Holly had no doubt that the bossman had others like Alessandro that acted as middlemen to others like herself. “About time. Got your guns?” Bossman said, his voice booming. Alessando flashed his instantly, with Holly hesitating before showing her own. She had received it one time instead of money, by her request, from Alessandro. Holly was not confident in using it, and had never drawn it so far, but she wanted it as a safety tool, something to use if she needed to defend herself. Even then, she wasn’t sure she could shoot someone. She may ruin someone’s day by snatching their phone or wallet, but she wasn’t sure she could end a life. It was a short walk from there to the main meeting place, where one lonely woman stood with her arms crossed and waiting. The trio approached the woman, and it was Bossman that took the lead. “Your time is up. That means you need to [i]pay[/i] up.” He commanded, simply holding his hand out. It looked to Holly that Bossman had been through this kind of process plenty of times already, and fully expected the druggie to hand over the racket fee. Things went to hell immediately. There was a flicker of movement from a little further down the alley, and before anyone could say or do anything about it, a shot rang out. Bossman fell instantly, and before Alessandro or Holly could get their guns out, the woman was already on top of him, stabbing and cutting him with what looked like a butcher’s knife. The screams began and then ended instantly from Bossman, and Holly held her pistol with shaking hands, not able to work up the courage to pull the trigger, and then triggered a Pause. It was almost like a still image in front of her now. Blood halting it’s spread from Bossman’s throat and gut, the woman’s blade buried almost unmoving in Bossman’s chest. A figure down the alley holding what looked like a pistol of his own, and she saw Alessandro’s gun in her peripheral vision. Taking a little time to calm herself, she began looking for places to hide or take cover within her line of sight. Mentally, she automatically calculated her chances to reaching the positions before the gunman turned to engage her. When she was ready, she unpaused, diving for cover behind a dumpster. Alessandro shot the woman atop Bossman, before receiving a shot to the chest, going down. Holly stared wide-eyed at Alessandro’s unmoving body as she heard footsteps creeping closer to her. She froze up, not sure what to do, barely feeling the strength to lift the pistol that she still held in her hands. Just as the footsteps landed next to her, Alessandro let out a sudden roar, lifting his own pistol to shoot the gunman three times: Holly flinched as the body dropped down next to her, and then quickly ran over to Alessandro, kneeling next to him. “Holly, I’ll be fine. Bug out, call the guys and tell them what happened,” Alessandro says to her. Holly clutched his hand, letting a few tears drip, before wiping them away and nodding - she was confident when she wasn’t in the immediate threat of death. From where the trio had originally came from she heard sirens, and quickly got up to bolt after a whisper of goodbye to Alessandro. She ran all the way down to the end of the alley and waited there at the corner, to see who was coming. After seeing that none-other than Deputy Fatboy was running into the alley, Holly continued her escape, knowing that at least Alessandro was going to get help. She knew it wouldn’t be his first rodeo in prison. [/hider] [/hider]