[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmZkZTQ4Yy5XV0Z0WVc1aGEyRWdTVzV2YTJscmRXVSwuMAAA/dalek-pinpoint.bold.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] [color=khaki][i]Please let me get one of the hot teachers, please let me get one of the hot teachers, PLEASE let me get one of the hot teachers...![/i][/color] Of course the only thing that would suddenly get Kiku's attention [i]would[/i] be seeing that two out of the three potential future team leaders were beauties. Not that he knew who they were. Or their names. Did they mention their names yet? The possibility of getting any teacher that wasn't as boring as Hatake-sensei hadn't crossed his mind, but this was probably the highlight of his day. Having a pretty teacher would definitely help him focus, or so he thought. Turning himself from the window to the front of the room at some kind of attempt to look like he was paying attention, Kiku managed to catch wind of the brunette immediately dismissing the class. Hah, her and his dad would get along just fine, the two could get to know one another by making up a list of what they didn't like about other people. He had to hold back a snicker as the thought crossed his mind, although he was in bigger trouble than he thought when Tsume jumped up. She didn't seem too happy to be dismissed, expressing herself openly--and Kiku had put a hand over his mouth to try to hide the giant grin he had. Welp, that was one way to make a first impression. Oh well, that was her problem, not his. At the very least Kiku was fully paying attention now, chin in hand. Apparently the three up front already knew Hatake-sensei, and something about serving in the war? Admittedly, he was a little more interested in the team assignments, his free hand impatiently tapping the desk. If he was lucky, he'd have some cute teammates, but he didn't think he'd get his way. Once the names were passed out, however, it looked like at the very least he'd have a friend on his side, even if there was the tiniest hesitance at having to be under Lady Critical's future guidance. But even with that, there was no hiding his giant smile, his eagerness apparent as his neck practically snapped in her direction. Throwing her an excited thumbs up as his name was called, he practically rushed to stand next to her. [color=khaki]"Look at that, look at that, we ended up on the same team!"[/color] He managed to keep it to a whisper, straightening up. [/indent][hr]