Elena nods and listens intently. She frowns in thought. "I've read about the Egyptian pantheon, but the fact that it's real... are other pantheons real as well?" A young woman stares blankly at the man interrogating her from behind a glass wall as if she's dangerous. To them, she is, and she definitely looks the part, even in the orange jumpsuit. "Any final words?" A wicked grin in answer. "You should've left the brainwave test running when you asked me if the cuffs were too tight." With that, she slips out of the chair, and she fights back the officers struggling to get her back in the chair. She fights her way to the exit, and she opens the door to an officer aiming a Glock at her head. She lifts her hands in surrender, then she knocks the officer out with his own gun, making quick work. She straightens when a piercing feeling echoes through her chest. The interrogator had shot through the glass and through her chest. "Renae Alvarez will not be buried in a marked grave," her killer tells a nearby underling. As Renae coughs blood and starts to blackout, the last thing she sees is a hooded man stooping down to get her. When she wakes up, she finds herself in a hut in the woods. "How the hell did I get here?" she mutters.