While Carver was correct in that Sally didn't have enough for a full soak, she [i]did[/i] have enough to fill a small pail, and made sure the water was pleasantly warm. By the time she brought it up to the tower, she found Carver and Zero already asleep. Sally set the pail down nearby, gave Zero a pet, and Carver a small kiss on the top of her pumpkin head before heading back downstairs to finish the meal for herself and Jack. After dinner, she periodically moved the pail near the fire, then back by Zero's dog bed to ensure it would still be warm by the time Carver got up. ~~~ Jack spent the might mulling over Carver's words and frustrations. The more he thought on it, the more it angered him. Back when he and Sally first got together, he was certain it was because Finklestein finally realized she couldn't be contained and let her go. With Carver, things were different. He saw over the years the superficial things: the limb extensions, letting her out to play with her friends, public frustrations Jack initially took as raising a teenager. But what he saw today...Carver had [i]never[/i] acted out like that before, even with influence from her friends. And [i]because[/i] it was so odd for her, he believed every word she said. By morning, he apologized to Carver for unwittingly setting her up with her original mindless function, and while he didn't send her out to help immediately, he changed her assignment from carving pumpkins to tidying Town Hall. After that, it was a brief stroll to the Finklestein's. Jack took the time to ponder how to bring it up, and keep his anger in check. He would save it for if he absolutely needed it.