What's good- If you're reading this, you've either been sent my RPing CV and needed my background info, or you're one of those lurkers that just browses through this subsection. Either way, that's cool! My name is stone, and I play the fill role. I play fill in MOBAs, I balance genders and races in RPs, and I always GM if needed... which means that I'm the GM 90% of the time. I looooooove magic, so almost every single one of the characters you'll see below has a magical ability that I try to use creatively. It's my outlet for being a boring human on this planet without magic. ;) RPs I'm running on RPerGuild: [list][*]nothing rn lol[/list] Non-Fandom RPs: [list][*]nothing lol[/list] Fandom RPs: [list][*]nothing lol[/list] 1x1s:[list][*]Nothing as of right now![/list]