[hider=Appearance] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/170413924430464240/125B735732A4756C57FBE6622C3F2282D760A59B/[/img][/hider] [hider=About Yue Kisara] On her sixteenth birthday, Yue Kisara came home from another drab day of school where this plain, thin, 4'11" girl doesn't stand out at all. All that was on the kitchen table of this large, empty apartment was but a VR Headset, a copy of Talrae, a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, and a card from her hardworking parents. These were the most noteworthy things among the several brightly wrapped packages on the table. The last three birthdays she had were like this, the only things changing being the flavor of the cake and the things she was given. Her parents had a very hands off style of parenting, often leaving Yue to her own devices. She didn't resent them for this though. It is thanks to her parents' hard work that she is able to have a pretty easy life where she can game and study with no worries of having to do things like finding a part time job. If anything, she is grateful to them. "Love" doesn't really describe how she feels about them though. "Appreciate" is a far more appropriate word. Her parents didn't neglect her per say. They always made sure to check up on their daughter. Ask her if she's making new friends or if she is doing well in school. AS long as there are no obvious troubles, then her parents never really feel the need to step in and they have never needed to step in directly to do anything. This is because Yue sticks to herself after all. She's not a loaner per-say, she has a few friends she talks to on and off at school. Most of her social interaction is done in games though. Here in these worlds she often sheds her quiet, average persona and adopts a new one. [i]Sol-Lea.[/i] Sol-Lea has been many things throughout games. A Guardian, a Cleric, a Paladin, a Street Sammie. Any class or build that lets her get right up close and personal. A class that lets her solo play, or that puts her right in the middle of the action. Sol-Lea was born out of the young Yue's fascination with knights and crusaders in games. She knows given her petite build that she could never be an actual real life knight, cop, or crusader. So she gets to use games to live out this fantasy. This is Yue's life. Just an average girl with a few average friends, a few average; yet hardworking, parents who wants to live out her more than above average fantasy. She has no idea why she's fascinated with them though. Is it their code of honor? Their sense of justice? Their ability to rush in for some cause and fight? Thanks to not really having anyone to talk to, Yue has never really explored why she likes the ideas behind Sol-Lea so much. Still, with this new copy of a new VR game, Yue was rather excited. She felt more thankful to her parents now than she ever had before. After all, she could really live as Sol-Lea an ideal version of herself. [/hider] [hider=Titles] [color=aba000][b]Tiny Wall of Insurmountable Will[/b][/color]: While facing an enemy of at least 1 level higher than your own, the player's natural resistance is doubled and has a 25% chance of nullifying non-damaging status conditions. [i]"I may be small, but not even mountains can topple me!"[/i] [/hider] [center][i][b]Sol-Lea [Soul-Lee-A][/b][/i][/center] [img]https://elements-cover-images-0.imgix.net/22fd584e-c945-4833-8c78-dab773d5251d?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=max&w=2740&s=9029a32c1ac21ca8b3f9154bf9f15dfe[/img] [center][i]"You seem to be under the misconception about what I am, what I do. I am a [b]Paladin[/b], that is true; but as a paladin I don't fear falling... I look forward to it." -- Anonymous Paladin[/i] [/center] [hider=Statistics] [i][b]Level[/b][/i] 15 [i][b]Experience Points[/b][/i] 0/29,277 [i][b]Attribute Points[/b][/i] 0/182 [color=00a651][i][b]Health[/b][/i] 6100 / [b][color=00a651]6100[/color][/b][/color] [hider=Health Info] +200 HP Paladin Bonus [b]54 Points[/b] (+5300 Health) +500 HP (Oliam's Longsword) [/hider] [color=0072bc][b][i]Mana[/i][/b] 3800 / [b][color=0072bc]3800[/color][/b][/color] [hider=Mana Info] +200 MP Paladin Bonus [b]27 Points[/b] (+2700 Mana) +400 MP (Shaman's Hand Wraps) +500 MP (Oliam's Longsword) [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Strength[/i][/b] [b]35[/b][/color] [hider=Strength Info] [b]30 Points[/b] +5 STR (Oliam's Longsword) +7% Overnight HP Regeneration [/hider] [color=7bcdc8][b][i]Agility[/i][/b] [b]26[/b][/color] [hider=Agility Info] [b]14 Points[/b] -20% Base AGI (Steel Full Plate) -10% Base AGI (Obsidian Kite Shield) +10 AGI (Wilder Cloak) +5 AGI (Oliam's Longsword) +1 Action Slot +1 Action Slot (Quickstep Boots) [/hider] [color=92278f][b][i]Intelligence[/i][/b] [b]30[/b][/color] [hider=Intelligence Info] [b]25 Points[/b] +5 INT (Oliam's Longsword) +6% Overnight MP Regeneration [/hider] [color=aba000][b][i]Stamina[/i][/b] [b]37[/b][/color] [hider=Stamina Info] [b]32 Points[/b] +5 STM (Oliam's Longsword) +2% Resistance Bonus -10 Second Action & Spell Cooldown Times -10 Second Action & Spell Cooldown Times (Shaman's Hand Wraps) +___ Inventory Size [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Skills (0 / 140)] [b]Cooking [/b](15) [b]Shield Wielding[/b] (30) [b]Sword Wielding[/b] (25) (+5 Oliam's Longsword) = (30) [b]Acrobatics [/b](15) [b]Gathering [/b](10) [b]Healing [/b](15) [b]Monster Knowledge [/b](10) [b]Searching [/b](10) [b]Mining [/b](10) [b]Hiding [/b](10, Wilder's Cloak) [/hider] [hider=Spells] [hider=Holy Spells (Specialization)] Aggravate (1) - User makes a single target attack the caster for 30 seconds. [color=0054a6][b]50 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 1[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 20 (30) Seconds[/b][/color] Bless (2) - User blesses target, increasing their Natural Resistance by 5% for 30 seconds. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 2[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/b][/color] Vengeful Smite (3) - User has a 20% chance to deal low spell damage to target that has managed to deal melee damage against user. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b] Magic Shield (4) (Paid For, 100 Renn) - User gains a magical shield that reduces the next physical damage by 20%. [color=0072bc][b]150 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 4[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60 Seconds)[/b][/color] Even the Odds (5) (Paid For, 125 Renn) - User deals magical damage to a single target equal to user's currently missing health. [color=0072bc][b]300 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 6[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 110 (120) Seconds[/b][/color] Fortress of Wood (6) (Paid For, 150 Renn) - User's Natural Resistance is increased to 11% permanently. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Light (Specialization)] Each cast Spell boosts [b][color=92278f]INT[/color][/b] by 2 for two minutes. Flash of Light (1) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - User emits a flash of bright light, blinding nearby targets for 30 seconds. [color=0072bc][b]50 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 1[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/b][/color] Piercing Light (2) (Paid For, 50 Renn) - User shoots out a thin beam of light that burns through any opponents in a line, dealing low damage. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 2[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 20 (30) seconds[/b][/color] Luminous (3) (Paid For, 75 Renn) - User’s body will glow for a few seconds after casting any spells from Light Discipline, dealing low damage against nearby opponents. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Flash and Awe (4) (Paid For, 100 Renn) - User creates a strong burst of light that stuns all nearby targets. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 2[/b][/color] - [b][color=aba000]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Body Spells] Strengthen (1) (Paid For, 75 Renn)- Target gains 5% Strength for a 30 seconds [color=0072bc][b]50 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 1[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/b][/color] Healing Beam (2) (Paid For, 150 Renn) - User emits a healing beam of light to a target, healing low amount. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 2[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 10 (15) Seconds[/b][/color] Attuned to One’s Body (3) (Paid For, 225 Renn) - User gains [color=00a651][b]100 HP[/b][/color] whenever they cast a spell from the Body Discipline. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Enfeeble (4) (Paid For, 300 Renn) - User saps strength from target. Target loses 5% Strength for 30 seconds. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 3[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/b][/color] Restore Vitality (5) - User heals all nearby allies for a low amount. [color=0072bc][b]250 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 3[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 20 (30) Seconds[/b][/color] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Actions] [hider=Universal Actions] Bounty (1/Universal) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Charge (1/Universal) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - User charges shoulder-first, briefly stunning the first target hit. If the user is equipped with a shield, it deals low concussive damage in addition. [color=0072bc][b]50 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 1[/b][/color] [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 10 Seconds[/b][/color] Greater Bounty (5/Universal) (Paid For, 125 Renn) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Grand Bounty (10/Universal) (Paid For, 250 Renn) - User gains D10 extra Renn whenever they receive Renn from GM. Stacks with Bounty and Greater Bounty. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. [/hider] [hider=Paladin Actions] Inspiring Presence (1/Paladin) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - Whenever User takes damage, user has a 5% chance to either recover 200HP or have target nearby friendly gain [color=39b54a][b]150 HP[/b][/color]. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Shield Raise (1/Paladin) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - Shield User only. User raises a shield, reducing incoming ranged attack damage for 30 seconds. [color=0072bc][b]50 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 1[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60 Seconds)[/b][/color] Valor (1/Paladin) (Paid For, 25 Renn) - User dashes forward, ignoring all movement status effects. Does not remove status effects. [color=0072bc][b]100 MP[/b][/color]. [color=7bcdc8][b]Action Cost: 2[/b][/color] - [color=aba000][b]Cool Down: 50 (60) Seconds[/b][/color] For Honor (5/Paladin) - Whenever user takes physical damage greater than 20% of their maximum HP, user gains +5 Strength for a few minutes. Stacks. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. For Glory (5/Paladin) - Whenever user takes magical damage greater than 20% of their maximum HP, user gains +5 Intelligence for a few minutes. Stacks. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Honor and Glory (5/Paladin) - If For Honor and For Glory both were activated in the recent times, user gains immunity against physical and magical damages for a few moments. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Resolve (10/Paladin) - User feels less physical pain when hit. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. Aura of Confidence (10/Paladin) - Nearby friendlies of the User gains resistance against negative emotions. [b][color=a36209]Passive[/color][/b]. [hider=Oath (15/Paladin)] Every day, User may choose and swear an oath. User gains effects of the chosen oath until midnight. Oath may only be used once a day. Oaths may generate Valor Points (VPs), a unique point resource. Some Oaths may require User to spend VPs to activate. [color=0072bc][b]0 MP[/b][/color]. [ [i]Uphold thy honor, at all cost![/i] ] - User gains [b][color=ed1c24]+2 Valor Points[/color][/b]. [ [i]Accept any challenge, no matter the odds![/i] ] - During the effect, User must fight against a target that has higher level than the User does. If User wins, User gains [color=ed1c24][b]+4 Valor Points[/b][/color]. [ [i]Suffer not the witch to live![/i] ] - During the effect, User deals 10% increased damage against Spell-using opponents and gains 10% Spell resistance. If User slays a Spells-user, User gains [color=ed1c24][b]+1 Valor Points[/b][/color]. [ [i]Abhor the unclean![/i] ] - During the effect, User gains +20% damage when using Paladin Actions. Costs [color=ed1c24][b]-1 Valor Points[/b][/color]. [ [i]For Justice and light![/i] ] - During the effect, Spells from Holy Discipline cost 50% less MP. Costs [color=ed1c24][b]-10 Valor Points[/b][/color]. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [i][b][color=a36209]Renn[/color] 342 / 8,000[/b][/i] [hider=Armor] [b]Iron Buckler[/b] (4U / 6P) (Price: 110 Renn) (Common) [b][color=92278f]Shaman's Hand Wraps[/color][/b] ([color=0072bc]+400 MP[/color], [color=aba000]-10 Seconds to Cooldowns[/color]) (Gloves) (Uncommon) (Paid For, 525 / Price: 350 Renn) [b]Obsidian Kite Shield[/b] (9U / 11P / 13B / 6C / 10M) (-10% AGI, Req: 30 STR) (Common) (Paid For, 788 / Price: 525 Renn) [b]Steel Full Plate[/b] (17U / 19P / 21B / 14C) (-20% AGI, Req: 25 STR) (Common) (Paid For, Price, 1150) [b]Helm of Resilience[/b] (2U / 5P / 5B) (Common) (Paid For, Price, 150) [/hider] [hider=Weapons] [b]Oliam's Longsword[/b] (+5 to all Attributes, +5 Sword Wielding) (Uncommon) (Paid For, 540 / Price: 360) [/hider] [hider=Clothing] [b]Fancy Clothes[/b] (Paid For, Price, 70) (Common) [b][color=7bcdc8]Wilder's Cloak[/color][/b] (AGI +10, Hide Skill +10) (Paid For, 375 / Price: 250) [b][color=7bcdc8]Quick Step Boots[/color][/b] (+1 Action Slot) (Uncommon) (Paid For, 525 / Price: 350) [b]Teleport Ring[/b] (Teleport Short Distance 1/Day) (Common) (Paid For, Price, 60) [b]Ring of Protection[/b] (+1% to all defensive item reductions) (Uncommon) (Paid For, 150, Price: 100) [b]Obsidian Choker[/b] (Elemental Damage Taken -5%) (Uncommon) (Paid For, 600, Price: 400) [/hider] [hider=Consumables] [b][color=0072bc]5 Diluted Mana Potions[/color][/b] (15% [color=0072bc][b]Max MP[/b][/color] Restore) (Paid For, Price, 600) (Common) [color=00a651][b]3 Diluted Health Potions[/b][/color] (15% [color=00a651][b]Max HP[/b][/color] Restore) (Paid For, Price, 300) (Common) [/hider] [/hider] Choose 1 of the followings: - Title (created and bestowed by TM), 2 free Spells/Actions