There was a overwhelming silence surrounding Vexen as she sightless wondered the inside of the cave. A warm, humid breeze washed over her face causing the hair on her neck stand up. She immediately realized that it wasn't any normal breeze, as a low deep growl echoed with it. Vexen stood there, frozen in horror, her mind racing as to what could possibly be mere inches from her face. Vexen didn't get too much time to think about it, though, as something large and spiked slammed into her stomach, knocking all the wind out of her and launching her out of the cave and towards a tree. She slammed against the tree with a sickening thud as her health bar dropped by half. Her body slumped to the ground, her vision fuzzy from the pain. Vexen looked up, seeing her two companions and pointed towards the cave opening, "I think I found what kidnapped the missing player." That's when a bulky silhouette emerged from the blackness of the cave. The creature squinted as the virtual sunlight bathed it's face. What stood before them, wielding a massive wooden club, was a pale ogre. A rumored rare encounter on the first floor. This was going to be a rough fight. With what little strength she had left, Vexen pulled her self up, grabbing her swords handle and unsheathing the hefty blade. Standing in a battle ready pose, still shaking slightly as her body throbbed in pain, she called to her friends with a pain, yet determined expression, "Better watch yourselves, I don't think this thing will go down easily."