"Your grace," Solae breathed in greeting, just as shocked as Rene at the appearance of arguably the most powerful woman in the known universe. Her parents had never really prepared her for meeting the empress; because they had chosen to raise their child on a world other than Capella, the opportunity was unlikely to arise, and should it ever come to pass they had planned counsel her once the need was apparent. Obviously neither had anticipated their untimely deaths preceding their daughter having such a fortunate encounter. It was far too late to observe proper etiquette. The marquise was disheveled, her lover was bleeding, and both were still wearing their mercenary soldier disguises. This sudden turn of events brought unbidden tears to the edges of the diplomat's eyes. No matter how her optimistic her fiance was about the recent past, the last week had been a struggle. Solae strongly suspected that they had both been clinging to the last shreds of hope as they strove against impossible odds to make it to the embassy and access the highly guarded communication device. After seeing her closest friend die, hearing second-hand of the deaths of her mother and father, watching her ex-suitor's mansion crumble, nearly being abducted by slavers, almost dying fleeing New Concordia with enemies at their heels, threading a landing through a hurricane, saving Rene when he had been captured, and breaching a building filled with hostile forces, she had started to disbelieve they would succeed. It had been a soft voice in the back of mind warning her to brace for the likelihood of failure. Scraping by as they had could not continue indefinitely. "I only wish we had met under better circumstances," she said with a bow before shifting her attention briefly to Alric de Quentain, giving him a polite nod of acknowledgment before continuing. The overwhelming surge of relief still choked her words though not sufficiently that it was a social faux pas. Solae was not the first nor would she be the last to be overcome with emotions while in the presence of the empress. "Duke Tan launched a coordinated strike on the imperial stations on New Concordia. As far as I am aware there is no surviving nobility besides myself, and none except Rene," she said with a motion of her hand, "escaped the assault on the Imperial Marine base." "And he pursues you," Mercedez Vilentrae observed with a shrewd cunning. "He does," Solae admitted. "A very sizeable bounty has been put on my head but with the stipulation I am returned to him alive. It is our belief that he has secured a PEA but he is unable to operate it without a diplomat of sufficient clearance to grant him access. We've evaded him thus far but I am not sure for how much longer." "Reinforcements will be dispatched retrieve you," the empress said with an unflappable confidence that made it sound as if were the most simple of operations, "as well as assess the situation more fully. Do you know which planets are currently within Duke Tan's control?" she inquired. Behind her eyes burned a keen intellect that was doing mental calculations of which squadrons could be spared and would be the most effective. Her resources were not as endless as she lead her subjects to believe and, with the civil unrest and coup on the prime world itself, she had to be judicious with whom and how many could be deployed. "If I may be so bold, your eminence, I would like to make a request," Solae ventured diplomatically serenely. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she was inwardly anxious that at any moment Bhast might begin shooting through Rene's haphazardly created barricade. Not only was time of the essence, their lives were in imminent danger, and she was about to ask a favor of the highest authority she knew. No one, not the most highly esteemed duke, or the most composed handmaiden, would not have some apprehension. Mercedez Vilentrae raised a single elegantly groomed brow as an indication she may proceed. "It is my understanding that the program through which one might enter the marines is both to repay Stellar Empire in service and prove one's loyalty. Rene Quentain rescued me from two of Tan's soldiers before he even knew who I was and, despite everything that has been offered to him over the last week, including most recently enough wealth to purchase his own planet, he had been steadfast in his dedication and convictions. Many lesser men would have capitulated long before now, your highness. In light of his valor and fealty, I would ask for your consideration in having his service time lifted or removed, and allow him to be assigned as my personal bodyguard for the time being. I have faith he is uniquely positioned to keep me safe until your agents arrive," she said with a bow at the waist to help emphasize her sincerity. "That is quite an unusual request," the empress commented slowly as the considered the consequences of agreeing to such a pardon. "I personally vow that, should you so us such mercy, we will prove ourselves worthy of your generosity. I believe in Mr. Quentain's innocence and will strive to unveil the murderer who yet runs free, I will take Mr. Quentain into my own house rather than impose on his father, and I hope to compel others to oppose Duke Tan and commit themselves to our cause." Solae remained bent at the waist in an almost uncomfortable display of prostration. It was not strictly necessary but it helped to display her fervent desire. Behind her she could tell that Rene was shell-shocked at her proclamation. Solae had expressed before that she would seek a pardon, to marry him, and to clear his name. Hearing it fall from her lips shortly after her greeting, with the empress in audience, was undoubtedly surreal to the man who had resigned himself to his fate. Again and again he had tried to impart that he had made peace with his exile. Hearing a compelling argument for his reinstatement into society, though absent his title until any official wedding took place, gave even the requestor palpitations. For once things were going [i]right[/i] and there was potential for a dazzling, blissful, happy future on the horizon.