Carver woke up shortly before the other two went to bed. She was in the pail fairly close to the fire the last time Sally came in to check on her, and appeared to be doing markedly better. She did thank Sally for the consideration, but otherwise mostly kept quiet. It was more of a calm quiet, though, which was good. She soaked for a good hour and a half. Once she was done, and well after Sally and Jack had apparently fallen asleep (or at least had stopped creeping about the house), she boiled up some water to scrub the pail out. She kept herself occupied for a few hours reading some of Sally's more... [i]adult[/i] literature -- she found them entertainingly stupid, but assumed it was probably less ridiculous to people who actually experience those impulses -- before going back to sleep. The next morning, she acknowledged Jack's apology with a chill shrug. "Like I said, I don't mind carving pumpkins. I'd probably switch heads way less often if I had a problem with it. I just hate when I don't have a choice, and my dad rubs it in my face. But... Yeah. He can't rub it in if I'm doing something else, so... Thank you." --- Doctor Finkelstein was still in bed when Jack arrived, as Jewel refused to pick him up and put him in his chair until she had fully examined his head and brain for injuries. Also the chair still wasn't working.