Sylvia quickly took out Yorik's book and tried to find a blank page where she could write down the descriptions of the eight members of the gang. She also made sure to cross out Dimos' name as though to note that they didn't really need to worry about him. He was in Yorik's care after all. She blinked at the shortbow and she nodded commenting, "Impressive," Considering that the girl in front of her had just told her everything she knew, there wasn't much else to ask. But there was one question that might give a little more information... She took out the paper with the emblem of the Lightning Company that Yorik drew up earlier and she asked the girl, "Sorry, I have two more questions before we head out," She showed the girl the emblem and she asked, "I don't suppose any of the guards you asked for help had this emblem? And could you describe the guards that you asked for help but didn't do anything and just gave you lip service?"