“Whaaah, sounds like... A dragon or something...” Soon the older man came back and handed you your items. “Well now... That’s a real Slaad Gem. I’d wager it’s worrh at least 500 gold coins on the market. These pearls are local, about 100 for the whole bunch. If you’re interested I can buy them off from you. It’ll be a good investment to help my shop get back to its feet.” The younger man stood up, wiping his hands on his apron. “Hey pa, they killed that slaad, it’s like a dragon or something.” The older man seemed to ignore his son. “That’s nice boy. Why don’t you go and take a break for now?” The young man soon left to take his break while the older gentleman did his business with you. “So you all took down a slaad huh? Forgive me if I’m skeptical. Not unusual for folks to scour the countryside and pick up gems like these, gods knows there’s always some yellow belly drunk bragging about a tooth he pulled from a dragon or a talon he took from a troll. I mean... Suppose it ain’t really my business to know.” [hider=Rolls and Info] You may roll an Insight check [/hider]