OOoooooh, Runescape! I remember playing that back in Junior High so very, very long ago! Don't be mean to it! It was a great game... Until they made the graphics-update... And started disabling content via a "Pay-to-Play" gate, lcoking Free Accounts out of all content essentially. *sob* And if you're not big into MMOs, just think of a different CRPG, like say, the old Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale games, or Divinity 2: Original Sin, or something along those lines? Are [i]you[/i] as a player playing a melee-fighter? Then maybe having a ranged support attacker would be handy? Or a rogue to open chests for you and backstab your enenmies while you hold aggro? Maybe a mage to deal with those pesky, large packs of trash mobs? How about a healer, so you can march on in and whack the living bejesus outta anything without worrying about your HP dropping too low?