[@Rockin Strings] Ya it probably won't work out for our histories to be tied together since you're so young. And unlikely Killin's father would have run into Dhaz given the location of their home, that unnamed elven city. Even if that's close to Draydon, Dhaz would have no business going to/around a hidden/secret/forbidden elvish city (not that he's got a beef with elves like most dwarves do, but he just wouldn't head that way). But, if Killin's father was a renowned adventurer anywhere around Draydon Dhaz would have certainly at the very least heard of him. Powerful draconic mages have got to be very few and far between in the surrounding area :D But Dhaz would be very interested in observing Killin's powers in action, as Dhaz's own father and grandfather were powerful sorcerers, and he never fully understood how their power worked. [@Dark Light] Since Aesthen's original home is Draydon, there's some chance Dhaz and Aesthen had done some odd job together in the past. But Aesthen looks quite young (especially from Dhaz's perspective), so it's unlikely they worked together doing roguish things because Dhaz did a lot of adventuring about a century ago. However, it seems like Aesthen is much more talented with urban rogue experience, in particular his tricky devices which seem to elude to expert trap disarming, etc. Would be fun to just RP them working together on some kinda dungeon delving expedition where someone centuries younger than Dhaz could teach him a thing or two! [@Dark Light] Also, would your character be leaning more toward the Questers Guild (what Dhaz is going for), or the Thieves Guild? Either way we could make an initial RP that either involves just the Questers Guild or maybe the Thieves Guild/Questers Guild working together or bumping into each other in the same dungeon.