[@Dark Light]Ooh, I like the idea of going after the same artifact in a dungeon to get into a guild. I randomly got an idea when you said that. At this point in his life, Dhaz does want to explore and adventure some more, but it's far more important to him and his family if he makes some coin. What about this RP idea: Dhaz and Aesthen stumble upon each other coincidentally going after the same artifact in the dungeon. Dhaz is trying to get into the Questers Guild, and recovering said artifact is his first job/successfully recovering it will allow him into The Questers Guild. But it's the same for Aesthen, if he turns in the artifact he gets into The Thieves Guild. Perhaps initially, Aesthen tricks Dhaz and makes off with the artifact, but then gets overwhelmed by some unexpected complication (ie: undead swarms collapse upon him to retrieve and return the artifact), and Dhaz is able to save him. After some discussion between the two, turns out The Questers Guild isn't going to give Dhaz any gold for turning in the artifact. But the Thieves Guild is going to allow Aesthen in with a very handsome reward (theives guild's pocket might be pretty heavy). After learning this, Dhaz and Aesthen decide to split the bounty down the middle and attempt to both join the Thieves Guild. Dhaz possibly burns a bridge and finds himself mixing with shady characters, but it's vital to him to make more coin quickly. Something like that sound fun at all Dark Light?