[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190929/ace8bbf066b3359e331d072d64b95f94.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kRJqnuO.png?3[/img] "[color=FB8035]That’s not normal is it.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Song Residential Home [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Sarah ended up eating a few but Neeko just kept making more and it looked like they weren’t going to run out anytime. "[color=FB8035]How are you making as fast as I eat?[/color]" Neeko smiled and put her finger on her lips giving Sarah the shh gesture. "[color=F5BD32]Neeko’s secret-[/color]" Suddenly Neeko’s ears flinched, and drooped down, she heard footsteps coming from the stairs and peaked over, "[color=F5BD32]Bird feet! Bird lady is awake![/color]" Said Neeko, Sarah then turned with a mouthful of veggie wrap to see Xayah at the bottom of the stairs. "[color=FB8035]Hey, one more to go and we can get our asses to the academy.[/color]" Sarah then put her phone down on the counter and stretched her arms out, "[color=FB8035]Alright, I’m gonna get some fresh air, you feed everyone that comes from those stairs, alright catch ya’ in awhile kiddo~[/color]" Sarah then walked out the door and stood by the garden for awhile. After minutes of standing there, something landed on her arm, a snowflake. Sarah was confused, it was the middle of summer, and even though the city was in a naturally cold place there shouldn’t be snow until September. She looked up to see it snowing pretty liberally, her phone started buzzing on the counter, Neeko just looked over, confused and a little bit scared to why the phone was gradually sliding away and making weird buzzing noises. Sarah continued to look around as the entire neighbourhood came out of their houses to see the snow. Meanwhile, Ahri pressed her phone as hard as she could against her ear waiting for Sarah to pick up since she may know why the snow is happening, her heart rate was monitored so it was visibly and audibly getting faster and louder, Ahri was in a small state of panic since no one was picking up. A nurse came rushing in and tried her best to calm Ahri down, telling her it was just snow, Ahri repeatedly shook her head since she knew it was something more. [/indent]