"Of course. Make sure you keep that receipt safe, that sort of cheap parchment is highly flammable." The old man went back to work while the party left the shop. Walking a bit of ways away, you eventually bring everyone to an alleyway where you can speak to the party in private. When you asked them they pondered and answered. "Well... The boy didn't seem too bright. I'm sure the only monster's he's ever heard of would've been generic beasts, such as dragons, goblins, and so forth. Many adventurers could live their life of adventure and retire having never fought something like a slaad." Shortfang shrugged as he did his best to advert his eyes from the sun. "Shortfang didn't know what Slaad was until friends tell Shortfang. Shortfang only know Trogs because they live in sewers." Buddy wrote his thoughts out on a note. "Dragons and Slaads both seem like reptilian creatures. It is a stretch, but there is some similarities. Some."