[center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2hmep3p.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]Our story takes place in Skyrim during the stormcloak rebellion of 4E 201. The stormcloaks managed to take Whiterun during the siege of the city, but at great cost, causing the struggle to enter a stalemate. Meanwhile, both Alduin and the dragonborn have disappeared, the rumor being that they killed each other while battling in Sovngarde. There are still many dragons about though, and large forces of draugr are reported to be amassing at some of the larger barrows throughout the land. Since neither hero, stormcloaks nor legion has done anything about the rising threat, a few individuals have taken it upon themselves to shoulder the burden. They are adventurers from all around Skyrim come together for one reason only: to stop the dragons. Our journey begins at the foot of the seven thousand steps to High Hrothgar, the temple of the Greybeards. The heroes have decided to seek out the advice of the old scholars since they know more than most about the Thu’um, the greatest weapon of the dragons.[/i] --- [b]In this game[/b] we will play as heroes in an alternative Tamriel, where the dragonborn never returned from Sovngarde to save Skyrim. Your character will be part of a group of extraordinary people and will travel the width and breadth of the land in search of a way to stop the dragon menace once and for all. Together we will explore new places and learn old secrets in the mysterious land of the Nords. If you’re interested or have any questions, leave a comment below. I’ll post the OOC once the thread has gathered enough interest. [u]Looking forward to playing with you![/u]