[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190927/b16aa504b7e04bfc1d96cb8abfc82075.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/308088508/original.gif[/img] [/center][indent][indent][hr][hr][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][i]“Sorry guys. I just ...I can’t stand that woman.”[/i] It didn't take Andre long to figure out who "that woman" was. His eyes shifted in the direction that Brent was staring, and they landed on none other than the organizer of the entire event. Amanda Woodall was an acquired taste, one that not too many people that'd graduated from King's, especially Brent, had seemed to develop over the years. Yet given his earlier history with the woman, Andre nearly opened his mouth to defend Amanda. Something along the lines of, [color=#A63120][i]"Oh, she's not so bad,"[/i][/color] or [color=#A63120][i]"Give her a chance"[/i][/color] began to roll off his tongue, but he stopped just as someone else decided to join the few King's Men at their table. Reina Stein... or Reina Barracano, now... looked just as Andre remembered her, only more mature and put together than she was in high school. [i]"Why don't we stop people watching and have a good time?"[/i] She said, suddenly fixating her gaze upon Andre. [i]"Those two girls over there could really use some of your... charms."[/i] He didn't even have to look to know who it was that Reina was referring to. But rather than offer her a direct response, he simply shifted uncomfortably in his seat and flashed the young woman a quick smile. Soon, Reina had whisked Brent away to the dance floor, and Dre was left wishing that he'd stopped by the bar for a drink on his way to the their table. It wasn't long before another old friend found their way over there, though; Dre grinned widely and held out a hand as Caden Burke approached. [color=#A63120]"My man,"[/color] Andre said to his old friend. [color=#A63120]"[i]Too[/i] fucking long. Y'all have no idea how much I've missed this... None of the usual drama. Just kicking it with my guys and-"[/color] Andre momentarily stopped speaking when he heard a sudden splash behind him. Quickly turning around in his chair, Andre saw both Reina and Brent standing in the shallow end of the pool. It was also in that moment that he spotted an angry-looking Grace storming back up towards the main building, half of her body visibly drenched. Part of him wanted to chase after her and apologize for not speaking to her sooner. The more non-confrontational part of him, however, thought that it'd be best for him to stay behind and, as Jace had said, get wasted. After thinking on it for a few brief seconds, Andre let out a deep breath and turned back to face his King's Men. [color=#A63120]"Fuck it, why not?"[/color] He said, forcing a smile on his face. [color=#A63120]"Bring on the tequila."[/color] [/indent][/indent]