Setariél had still busied himself for a while, but ultimately had decided that panicking now would not help in any way. Paying attention to detail and with his ultimate goal continuously lingering in the back of his mind, the man from Linmark had continued to enjoy the festivities. That was only until the ceremony had started, of course. And how it could go wrong in probably one of the worst and most unexpected ways imaginable... At first Setariél had just stared at the scenery, trying to figure out which part of it was actually still part of the ceremony and which part was clearly evil and worth fighting against. The question was answered immediately when the demonic creatures appeared. They were threatening everyone around them, trying to kill the most important people around here and then, afterwards, probably all the rest ? And then there was this other man... It dawned upon Setariél that [i]he[/i] might be the person mentioned in the visions. Who else could it be ? The decision to engage was made. Somewhat rudely to the outside onlooker the big man freed himself from the crowd, evening going as far as pushing people aside violently in order to speed up his approach. He couldn't draw his long sword and start fighting in the midst of people, but he also had to hurry. Needless to mention there was a stream away from the scenery that made things more difficult. Finally, having freed himself of the last people blocking his way, Setariél picked the very first demonic looking being he could find and pulled his weapon out of its sheath. "C'mon you beast! Pay attention to me!" He didn't even know if this creature could understand his language, let alone his accent... But anyway, it was worth a try!