In response to the threat of large creatures, the warriors developed stingers on their rear ends. While their mandibles still contain a light paralytic agent, their stingers inject a venom that denatures proteins and effectively "melts" flesh. It is somewhat slow to act and usually only lethal in quite large doses, but quite painful. The threat of being stung has begun to deter most animals from our berry bushes, but the bees have agreed to help us by giving warning when larger beasts come near. Additional evolution of the warriors has lead to them now possessing latent receptors for a certain hormone found in the saliva of princes. It has no effect upon young warriors, but the bodies of more mature ones react quickly to it. Upon receiving the hormone, they become incapacitated for some time as their bodies once more enter a state of rapid growth usually associated only with the larvae. At the end of their vegetative state, they are much larger and stronger with thicker armor. Their minds are somewhat enhanced, and their lifespan is elongated as their age is practically "reset" and old wounds are regenerated during the growth phase. In this way, our princes are able to find the most grizzled veterans among the warrior drones and "promote" them that they can continue to serve the hive in a greater capacity. No new notable threats seem to have emerged, which allows a brief respite where we could look inwards or perhaps focus on expansion.