[quote=@La Fleur] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/FJv6Y5Q/7-D8-CCD18-30-EE-4959-9-EF9-A9771-D2-F7376.jpg[/img] [b]Character Full Name[/b] Alenia “the Wounded” [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Race[/b] Moon Elf (Or perhaps only half so? Her father was human and her mother was a moon elf.) [b]Height[/b] 6’0” [b]Weight[/b] 160 Lbs [b]Main Class[/b] Warrior [b]Subclass[/b] Weapon and Shield [b]Short Biography:[/b] Alenia “the Wounded” is a woman with a hard past. Raised by her father after her mother’s passing, Alenia grew up without a strong female figure in her life. Raised alone by her father, the captain of the guard of Baldurs Gate, Alenia was surrounded by voices of authority, strictness, and the brass world of military men. At the age of sixteen, the sheltered, socially awkward Alenia began training in sword play and studying military tactics, disciplinary manuals, and military etiquette. She even saved her coin to pay for an instructor. Disheartened and infuriated by her fathers’ rejection of her joining the guard, Alenia left Baldurs Gate at age twenty-two and journeyed to Waterdeep. She enlisted in the city watch and five years later resigned, joining a local mercenary company, for whom she worked for yet again five years. Preferring the active and profitable life as a mercenary. However, when her employer was accused of treason against the city and jailed, Alenia resigned, the company whom she served having become corrupt and deplorable. Now, at age thirty-two, Alenia has once again left to start anew. Hearing of the “Ruby City” that is Draydon, she has come seeking a new beginning. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Alenia is what you might call a roguish noble. A woman of conviction and honor, yet not entirely polished and well-meaning all around. At the end of the day she watches out for herself and while she isn’t above having friends or companions, she is hard to impress. Alenia aspires for self-sustainment and purpose, though is not afraid to confront injustice. She is not one to betray or undermine, and is loyal without waver. [b]Why have you come to Draydon?[/b] Alenia seeks purpose and personal fortune alike. Serving for years as both a tight-lipped city guard and a brassy mercenary, Alenia has never felt any sense of purpose or duty, and certainly never has she had a fortune. She hopes to find both in Draydon as a free blade seeking a conviction. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Favoring her short sword and shield, Alenia fights with an aggressive fire. She pummels her foes with heavy attacks, albeit energy consuming, and takes her time to recover amidst defense. When facing stronger foes, Alenia uses a more tempered approach, attacking more moderately and focusing more on defense, looking for counter attack opportunities. Though trained in archery and dual weapon wielding as well, she always prefers a sword and a shield. [b]Primary Armament:[/b] [u][url=https://i.ibb.co/rtnDCv7/55-F68-A01-C522-440-F-A479-FBD119736-A01.jpg]Steel Short Sword[/url][/u] [b]Secondary Armament:[/b] [u][url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Targe_of_the_Blooded?file=TargeOfTheBloodedShield.png]Targe of the Wounded[/url][/u] [b]Inventory Items[/b] -Amulet of Torm -Personal Journal -Dwarven Compass -Outdated Waterdeep City Watch Papers -Map of the Sword Coast [b]Coin Purse:[/b] 200 Gold [/center] [/quote] Approved.