"I just need to take it out to check for damage, and then I'll put it right back!" Jewel's exasperated voice echoed down the central space of the lab. "You already checked it last night! You don't need to keep checking it over and over again, and we both have more [i]important[/i] things to be doing!" Doctor Finkelstein argued back. "I have checked it once, on a surface level, without accessing the underside; not 'over and over again'," Jewel retorted. "And those [i]important[/i] things can wait to be done until I'm certain you are fit to [i]do[/i] them. Honestly, Harold, you're acting like a child!" "A child!" he cried indignantly. "Do none of my creations have any respect for me anymore?" "Unless you split our brain [i]before[/i] you made my body, I get half the credit for my own existence," Jewel responded curtly. "I respect you as an equal, dear, and I will [i]respectfully[/i] inform you when you're not [i]behaving[/i] in a manner [i]befitting[/i] my equal." The doctor grumbled, unable to argue against that. He couldn't resist a making a side remark under his breath, though, and Jack could guess the approximate content of the comment based on Jewel's response: "Well [i]maybe[/i] if you actually [i]talked[/i] to her instead of ignoring all of her concerns, she wouldn't DO that, [i]Harold![/i]"