Neil had nearly hit an Algodade, one of the semi-aquatic giraffe like creatures that fed on both normal and underwater vegetation. Its head had popped up out of the water at just the wrong second, but Neil had managed to maneuver out of its way to keep himself from falling off, and from putting another damaged creature's life on his conscience. The maneuver sent him in a spin over a wave, impressively keeping his balance and landing to slide across the following tide toward the shallows. Indra and her parents gave an applause, even her father seemed somewhat approving of his agility. Neil was just glad he still had it in him, though his happiness would be short lived when he saw Sayeeda poking at Saxon's arm, a curiosity evident in her eyes. "What does your language sound like? I never asked," the Captain said with interest. Taya, having grown tired of tanning, had gone over to speak to Indra, taking her attention for the moment. Saxon's neck glowed a faded red, and his dewlap extended. Neil knew far more about Hexanagallions than most people, and it didn't sit well with him. She might as well have an extended dewlap neck too by the way she smiled. [i]None of my business though[/i], he thought, trying to walk past them. Goddamn, this was a big beach. Goddamn, he wished there was WIND, so he didn't have to listen to it. Saxon began to do what could best be described as a warbling call that banged at the eardrums of anyone within 2 dozen yards, of which Neil was in the blast radius. Somehow, Sayeeda didn't seem to mind other than give a small wince. "Interesting...and what's your home planet like?" Neil turned, unable to handle the rest. But he continued, describing the tropical wetland of a world his species evolved on. The world was evidently high gravity and filled with monstrous beasts, where only the strong survive. He decided to walk away when Saxon began describing his early life. He'd read it all before, and he didn't like the gleam in Sayeeda's eye, though she did well to look at Neil when he wasn't looking to make sure he was in ear shot, until he wasn't. [@Penny]