As soon as you put the gold on the table, they vanished underneath the bartender's hands as he stood towards you filling up a glass underneath the counter. "So yeah might've noticed something queer. A pair of regulars, orc brothers named Banger and Mash, seems to have caught quite a windfall. Past few days they've been spending a lotta coin on my top shelf brands and buying em for the girls they bring in, always a new one every night. Don't know where they're getting this money but I doubt it's anything honest. Been seeing them loitering around the alley's bout north of here, next to the shutdown brewery. It's the building with the dirty looking sign that has a barrel spilling out booze. Wouldn't be surprised if that their new hang out or something." After passing that information along the bartender goes back to serving other customers, and his attention is quickly consumed dealing with the influx of drunken sailors throwing coin at him for drinks.