Okay, IC post is up to move things along; nothing big, just getting everyone together and then off for our final briefing before the mission kicks in. Will give Silver another chance to actually chat to people and get us all moving again and up to the same place and moment before we launch. [quote=@kingkonrad] Lol, Max is technically lower ranked than everyone, he's a Warrant Officer (which isn't a formal officer's rank, but basically an assignment of rank to someone like Max who is considered a more "technical" expert or team leader in terms of reconaissance. It's a more common thing in SF, I hear). He hasn't properly gone through full Officer's training as a result, which is rather interesting... [/quote] Forgot to mention this earlier, lol. TBH, I didn't actually assign ranks in the first place anyway, and I just chose Lieutenant as it's a flying rank in most air forces. I supposed Warrant Officer would work too, as I know in the US Army (at least) helicopter pilots are Warrants, but I just went with what was quick and obvious to me. TBH, I doubt it'll actually come up that much - I certainly don't intend it to, and I'm not leaning heavily on the military side of realism here, just enough to make it seem competent and make sense, rather than getting into the grit of it. Could be that since Solernia has combined forces, there's a gap made up... or we're all Warrants and Silverwind is the captain, which I kind of like more, lol. Whatever works, tbh xD Also, just a quick mention of hardpoints for GEARs; they have the following: Right Shoulder Left Shoulder Right Forearm Left Forearm Those are the main weapon hardpoints Stowage/Storage hardpoints for hand-held equipment are: L & R Hip - for sidearms, or short weapons/tools, hand grenades or additional magazines Rear waist - for a longarm or two-handed weapon such as a rifle Under Shield - for magazines for weapons, or hand grenades External armour/equipment packages can also be fitted, but these are not based around the hardpoints, and use more elaborate and complete systems. I do like the loadout form, I'll probably use it myself ^^