Scott looked on with disbelief, sliding the visor on his helmet up to get a better look as the planes in front of him just... [i]disappeared[/i], literally, into the sky around them. Had they not been confirmed on radar a moment earlier by the AWACS, then he would've worried for his own sanity or his eyesight, but instead he simply marvelled at the sight and felt a sense of frustration. His gloved thumb rested on the arming switch for the GAU-8 in the A-10's nose for a moment; he considered firing a burst and hoping he got a lucky hit; but it didn't seem worth it. The mess he'd get into if he hit something else by accident wouldn't be nearly worth the satisfaction of just blatting off a few rounds, or the sliver of a chance he'd hit something anyway. [quote=@Zoey White] [color=teal]Teale:[/color] "I dunno if we're gonna[i]AAAAGH![/i] Fuck's sake!" [img][/img] [color=teal]Teale:[/color] "Angel Squad, this is Angel-2. A bird went splat on my window. Limited visibility for me, over." [/quote] He looked over to Teale's plane in alarm as she called in the bird strike. Flying at low altitude most of his career, he'd had a few of his own, and had known other pilots that had bad run-ins with them. Infamous was the story he'd heard of [url=]an F-111 that had gone down with both crew killed after getting a pelican through the windscreen.[/url] "Roger that, Angel-2. I'm with you, don't panic. Looks like your canopy is intact, and you're flying fine. Closing up formation on your starboard". He slid the A-10 into position off of her right wingtip, waggling his jets' wings a little in acknowledgement, and nodding in understanding as she gestured to the splatter of red on the aircrafts' canopy, returning an encouraging thumbs up before contacting the AWACS. "Gravestone, this is Angel-4. Bandits have... well, uh, disappeared. Literally, right in front of my eyes. No sign of them visually, and could not get positive ID on their markings or nationality. Can confirm that I have not been drinking while flying and that I am actually awake and well-rested. May also request appointment with the flight surgeon after landing, over".