Jewel quickly put on the most pleasant expression she could manage and moved to leave the room. "Well, I'll just go work on fixing the chair, and let you two discuss things." She shot her husband a meaningful look from the door. "After which, I [i]will[/i] be performing a [i]complete[/i] examination." The doctor waited until Jewel was gone before he greeted the Pumpkin King. "Nice to see you again, Jack, although I disagree with your assessment of Carver's actions. Attacking me was not the result of 'needing to get things off her chest'. [i]Reasonable[/i] monsters don't do such a thing, nor do they use such petty excuses. No, this was the result of those [i]hooligans[/i] influencing her toward increasingly bad behavior, and my being far too lenient about her dealings with them to prevent it from reaching a point of physical violence. Rest assured, though, I [i]will[/i] be correcting my mistake as soon as I have recuperated from this most [i]egregious[/i] offense."